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AleutianMegaThrust t1_it40g0t wrote

I once went to the salvation army near LA Cafe. I left my truck unlocked. I came out and there was some scruffy lookin dude in the passengers seat I was like hey whats up can you get out? He was like were going to the liquor store. I dropped him off at the lq store and that was that lol


lovemesomereddit t1_it41ogz wrote


You were a willing participant. That tops any of my stories omg 😂


AleutianMegaThrust t1_it441fe wrote

I was not about to argue with the man in my car Lol. I did not consent but I didn't want to get shanked


lovemesomereddit t1_it76ya6 wrote

Aw hell nah, I thought you were cool with it. I would’ve called the cops. That is a funny ass story. He’s like “Get in loser, we’re going to the liquor store.” That should be he slogan of West Warwick.


AleutianMegaThrust t1_it7cgot wrote

Drive bitch you're takin me to thu packy. In the end all was good. And I've got a story out if it