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Gsquzared t1_iu5jnts wrote

For climbing, you're going to want to go to Central Rock Gym in Warwick.


Ryland42 t1_iu5kkd4 wrote

Rockspot in Wakefield or Lincoln for climbing. The Wakefield location is in the same parking lot as Whalers brewing.


BigLoveFromAbove t1_iu5lbuu wrote

Some of the LA fitness locations have pools. There's also the pool at URI in Wakefield. Rockspot in Wakefield or Lincoln are about the options I believe.


Throwaway1231200001 t1_iu5lm56 wrote

Some LA fitness es have pools, the Y is always a reliable pool option as well.


BiddahProphet t1_iu5nyl5 wrote

Centeral Rock Gym in Warwick is great for climbing


FunLife64 t1_iu5oq2k wrote

I know Ri is small, but where do you live??


Aromatic-Original-58 t1_iu5vjvl wrote

McDermott Pool in Warwick, they just remodeled the entire thing a year or 2 ago!!


Unique-Public-8594 t1_iu5vn3b wrote

Would you like to edit your post to include the town you live in or area which is within reasonable travel distance?


No_Rope6843 t1_iu5xhqq wrote

You're from Nowhere? I heard that weird things happen there!


Tbear369 t1_iu65jep wrote

I think Healthtrax in Warwick might have a pool, the y in Warwick and in Wakefield have pools and uri in Kingston has 3.. just need to check on times since swim team uses the lap pool this time of year.


Moelarrycheeze t1_iu6fvb4 wrote

YMCA Lincoln has an excellent pool and a passable rockwall


PetalPerfection t1_iu8m5o8 wrote

If you are learning to climb, then go to Central Rock Gym in Warwick. Excellent community.

If you are an experienced climber then I recommend Rock Spot. Less beginner climbs than CRG.


Mountain_Bill5743 t1_iu8x09g wrote

That's terrible-- sorry to hear it. It's exploded in recent years and there isn't a lot of sub 1500 1 beds/studios out there-- 5 years ago you could have a 3 bed at that price. GL and feel free to dm me if you want any advice on the apt hunt or to chat about the finer points of living in wisconsin (I miss it, but it was over a decade ago so I know it's very different these days)


allhailthehale t1_iudnjue wrote

Your indoor climbing gym choices are Central Rock or Rock Spot. Rock Spot has three locations, Central Rock has only one in RI (in Warwick) but it's a very nice gym and imo probably the more beginner-friendly option in terms of the climbs and meeting people/socializing. Just try both.