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southofthetower t1_iungy03 wrote

The language of the federal code makes it clear that the AMerican flag is a LIVING Symbol. Public law 94-344. One flag is federally protected. the other is not. may I suggest you lobby our government and it gets put to a vote, you know... like a democracy...


degggendorf t1_iunh6u1 wrote

> One flag is federally protected. the other is not.

So then are you opposed to the RI flag being flown because it's not federally protected? Then may I suggest you lobby our government and it gets put to a vote, you know... like a democracy...


[deleted] t1_iunho3d wrote



degggendorf t1_iunivsw wrote

You failed to answer my question. Why are you working so hard to conceal your actual opinions?


[deleted] t1_iunjgn1 wrote



degggendorf t1_iunlj5a wrote

So you criteria is that a flag must be protected by either federal or state decree in order to be allowed to fly on state land?


southofthetower t1_iunlw0t wrote

no, it should be put to a vote and decided by the people if you are to fly it on state land... you know actually representing the ENTIRE state, by voting... I know, pretty crazy ideals.


degggendorf t1_iunmysv wrote

Wait so now your criteria is that a flag must have a popular vote to be able to fly? So then we're back to you wanting the American and Rhode Island flags taken down.