canibringmydog t1_iumoflp wrote
It blows my mind that anyone can read that kind of stuff and say “these people know what they’re talking about”. It’s absolute ramblings.
Rolyat_Emad t1_iumoybp wrote
It is nice to see people rejecting this vile hate with love and acceptance publicly.
The-Gnome t1_iumwvmw wrote
The people reading are predisposed to hate and they’re definitely not the brightest. It’s made me a bit depressed.
whatsaphoto t1_iumx3gr wrote
200 years ago they would have simply been considered the town square idiot and cast aside as such, but now because of social media their insane thoughts and opinions are constantly being reinforced by thousands of other town square idiots every day on town square idiot forums across the globe day in and day out with absolutely zero sense of self awareness to be found.
edit: To be fair, this person almost certainly has some form or another of mental illness, and while I hope they somehow find some peace I also really, really hope they keep themselves and those around them safe by not doing silly things like storming the US capitol.
somegridplayer t1_iumyzo8 wrote
Buddy, the whole south coast is a trainwreck. Check out the Dartmouth and New Bedford FB pages. It's full of the same insane assholes.
argument_sketch t1_iumzbyc wrote
How the f*** did we get to this point in America? I'm completely heartbroken about the direction the right wants to take this country.
JimmyHavok t1_iumzw24 wrote
Unfortunately, these town square idiots are being funded by people who want to use them to get their taxes cut and their polluting unregulated.
mythofinadequecy t1_iumzwe0 wrote
Vote against every GQP candidate at local, state, and federal level. This deadly virus must be eradicated to save The People
Proof-Variation7005 t1_iun00ai wrote
I think it's more than just social media amplifying it. It's pretty clear that people go down rabbit holes and get increasingly radicalized. I'm not sure I'd dismiss it as mental illness.
It's closer to someone who's been sucked into a cult. I do think that online spaces and discourse have warped people's brains where it is a lot easier to get sucked into more extreme ideology and logic and harder to stop the tumble down the rabbit hole.
And, no, this is not a phenomenon limited to one party or political ideology.
buddhamanjpb t1_iun3wn4 wrote
" Little Compton Taxpayers Association" So funny how extremist hate groups always try to name their organization something nice and non-insane
buddhamanjpb t1_iun4byv wrote
We got here from a more than two decades long campaign of misinformation that started at Fox News and then evolved into what we see today from internet echo chambers.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.
southofthetower t1_iun6z8i wrote
Do you not see the reason why the flag was not flown? It is to set a precedent; not discrimination. pretty simple issue.. so what if you wanted to fly a "dont Tread on Me" flag...? would you feel that is acceptable? A black the blue flag? could their language been a bit more empathetic, absolutely yes. however what does flying a LGBTQ flag on state property have to do with anything but virtue signalling?
southofthetower t1_iun81fd wrote
"extremist hate groups" got it... is that the new term for people on the opposing side with different views?
[deleted] t1_iun8o8f wrote
Quick_Fennel_3244 t1_iun9daj wrote
Maybe instead of forcing everyone to love the pride movement. Just keep going on and be you. People don't want the campaign constantly thrown in their face. What people do with their lives should be up to them. Just stop forcing the agenda on everyone.
dollrussian t1_iun9ij3 wrote
I think it’s time you move to Alabama, buddy
southofthetower t1_iun9unu wrote
makes sense. please provide a rational argument for why only one group should be able to fly their flag?
dollrussian t1_iuna4a4 wrote
I’m not gonna explain shit to someone who’s upset that gay and lesbian families exist. Take a look in the mirror buddy, you are not being very Christ like.
southofthetower t1_iunaeck wrote
I love my fellow gays and lesbians. Have tons of friends... not homophobic at all actually. so again, Im asking for rational argument... you've done nothing but insult me and deflect from the question.
dollrussian t1_iunaoh7 wrote
Ah so you’re one of the self hating ones that want the GOP to accept you, got it. I stand by what I said. It’s crazy to me that you keep advocating for the side that literally wants you dead, imprisoned or stripped of your rights. Just absolutely nutty.
degggendorf t1_iunaz49 wrote
No, it's the name for same term for the same groups.
Which part do you disagree with, the "extremist" part or the "hate" part?
southofthetower t1_iunb4rp wrote
what does forcing a social flag on a state owned property have anything to do with what you said... you've been watching CNN and rachel maddow to much. do you even have a thought of your own? You stand by what you said? what did you Actually say in a response WHY the flag should be flown...? I may have missed that between the insults.
bluehat9 t1_iunb9lp wrote
Where do the young people go??
Which policies in ri are causing all those dang problems and do they not exist in states with republican leadership?
bluehat9 t1_iunbbwj wrote
Are you feeling forced? What are you being forced to do?
southofthetower t1_iunbwty wrote
RI retention rate is less that 30% for the college educated. they go where there are jobs and favorable tax rates.
When is the last time you tried to start a business here?
WinterIsHere0101 t1_iunbzkc wrote
Does anyone have a link to the mailer? I looked at the groups web page and it just looks like boring tax and town business. Something odd about the timing of this right before the election, unless that was the point.
EDIT: There is a link to another story that shows the mailer. The people don't believe the LGBT flag should be flown on town property and are against teaching about LGBT sex related topics in public school. Unpopular opinions maybe but not quite Q level crazy or hate speech in my opinion. It is election season, people getting crazy.
bluehat9 t1_iunc4re wrote
Where do they go, specifically? I guess what I should be asking is, which republican controlled places are all of the young people going? The jobs must be in republican controlled places?
degggendorf t1_iunc536 wrote
>what does flying a LGBTQ flag on state property have to do with anything but virtue signalling?
Flags are literally signals. What does flying an American or Rhode Island do aside from virtue signal? Flags are symbols, and I think it's perfectly reasonable to signal our pride in being Americans, pride in being Rhode Islanders, and pride in being a diverse community across all the gender and sexual spectrums of immutable traits we exist on.
southofthetower t1_iunc9et wrote
then what is the progressive left called? are they not extremist or hate? look here... all these "progressives" are the first one to denounce anything of substance and immediately name call and try silence my opinion. So by defention, is that not hateful or extreme?
degggendorf t1_iuncfoc wrote
Is that really the main concern for people like you, that you don't want to have to think that someone might be attracted to someone else?
Do you get grossed out when you see a man and woman holding hands on the street, and wish they would keep their sexual preferences to themselves? Or is it only certain types of orientations you think are bad?
southofthetower t1_iuncx6r wrote
I agree with that completely. However, this is not the states responsibility. if you want to fly a flag, no one is stopping you. pull a permit, buy a pole and privately fly it.... but I see an issue of forcing it on others, especially when paid for by the taxpayers... what if this scenario were reversed? Imaging this thought experiment.... imagine if all the LGBTQ's were nazis (IM NOT SAYING THEY ARE... Trying to make you think) WOUld it then be acceptable, if they wanted to fly their flag on state property...?
degggendorf t1_iuncyud wrote
They are extremist if their ideas are much further left than the mainline party, yes. That's what the term means. Someone who wants literal communism would indeed be an extremist.
> immediately name call
I think your victim complex is're all over this thread but no one is calling you names.
> try silence my opinion
How are they doing that?
dollrussian t1_iund11e wrote
It is not a social flag and you know it. Whether or not you like it, does not decide whether a group of people is valid. The LGBTQ+ community is ingrained in the history of this country. They deserve the spots and visibility they have. Seriously, what is wrong with you???
southofthetower t1_iunda2a wrote
Victim complex? fitting.... this whole thread is about "victims" not being able to fly a flag... so who has the complex?
ToadScoper t1_iundwrb wrote
Little Compton is incredibly divided, on one hand you have the wealthy young out-of-staters and on the other you have the long-time resident retiree boomers, there’s literally nothing in between. It’s a classic story of the older residences getting mad at the yuppies moving in, and unfortunately it fuels more radical political outbursts such as this. Sadly it’ll probably only get worse here on out…
southofthetower t1_iune7l2 wrote
If it is not a social flag, then what is it? again, I respect everyone, regardless of race, sexual orientation. But there is a reason for the separation between church and state.. But again, Im asking... why does the LGBTQ flag "DESERVE" to flown, when other similar flags cannot?
dollrussian t1_iuned33 wrote
What, by your definition, is a similar flag?
degggendorf t1_iunef39 wrote
> I see an issue of forcing it on others
Forcing what exactly on others? Forcing them to confront the fact that people with immutable characteristics exist in the world? What do you think it says about a person if if ruins their day to think that gay people exist and deserve respect?
> nazis [...] WOUld it then be acceptable, if they wanted to fly their flag on state property...?
Well no, for a couple reasons. Being a nazi isn't an immutable characteristic, so it fails there. It's also a political choice, so it fails there as well.
If it helps, here's where I would draw the line on other flags:
Pride flag: yes
RI Queer PAC flag: no
Autism Awareness flag: yes
Flag for the organization "Autism Speaks": no
Remember to vote flag (if there were one): yes
Vote Democrat flag: no
Gold ribbon cancer awareness flag: yes
Komen for the Cure trademarked pink ribbon flag: no
southofthetower t1_iunekt4 wrote
nothing is ingrained... I remember less than 2 decades ago, people were locked up because of their sexual preference and also because the color of their skin.... its actually quite the opposite actually, where this is new to this country. (late 60;s)
degggendorf t1_iunem5x wrote
> so who has the complex?
You, still you.
You don't see the difference between your imagined persecution, and the actual violence against queer people?
southofthetower t1_iuneqhn wrote
I agree with that 100%. except on state lands.
degggendorf t1_iunew6d wrote
You want to ban American flags from being flown on state lands?
southofthetower t1_iunex7y wrote
thank you for you explanation. I just feel it would have to be a very big flag pole if "Everyone" wanted to start flying their respective flags.
Emmafabb t1_iuneytt wrote
I’m guessing southofthetower does
southofthetower t1_iunf3jx wrote
no silly, you know what I meant. State lands should only fly American flags and respective state flags. (as within the current laws)
degggendorf t1_iunf4zr wrote
> I just feel it would have to be a very big flag pole if "Everyone" wanted to start flying their respective flags.
TBF, that sounds super cool. Let's do it, make sure that everyone's immutable traits are represented and respected.
bluehat9 t1_iunf5ut wrote
You’re posting a lot but I guess don’t have an answer?
southofthetower t1_iunf8td wrote
so flying a flag on state land is going to end said "violence"?
2ndbeachluv t1_iunfasc wrote
florida and texas. more jobs and better taxes.
degggendorf t1_iunfehq wrote
Why? It's all just virtue signaling, which it sounds like you're opposed to.
Or are you only opposed to signaling certain virtues?
southofthetower t1_iunfo0z wrote
ugh.. sounds tiring. normal people have jobs and not the time to worry about everyone's immutable traits.
degggendorf t1_iunft22 wrote
Nobody said it would. I'm saying that you're claiming to be persecuted in a way that you aren't, which is evidence of having a victim complex.
southofthetower t1_iung0jw wrote
ok, now you are comparing the flag of the United States of America....I see where you are going with that.. yes, it is... but We all are AMERICANS... not the other way around....
degggendorf t1_iung1c4 wrote
I am not asking you personally to erect it. You can merely get out of the way of the people that do. If you don't feel you have the spare braincells to simultaneously perform your job and respect other human beings, then I will not require you to try.
degggendorf t1_iungawu wrote
>We all are AMERICANS
We all have SEXUAL ORIENTATIONS too, so I'm not really following the line you're trying to draw in the sand.
ziddersroofurry t1_iungs2v wrote
It's perfectly legal to fly flags of states, cities, corporations, or organizations as long as they're flown beneath the US flag. Not sure why that shouldn't count for the pride flag, too. There's nothing forbidding it.
"When flags of States, cities, or localities, or pennants of societies are flown on the same halyard with the flag of the United States, the latter should always be at the peak. When the flags are flown from adjacent staffs, the flag of the United States should be hoisted first and lowered last. No such flag or pennant may be placed above the flag of the United States or to the United States flag’s right."
southofthetower t1_iungy03 wrote
The language of the federal code makes it clear that the AMerican flag is a LIVING Symbol. Public law 94-344. One flag is federally protected. the other is not. may I suggest you lobby our government and it gets put to a vote, you know... like a democracy...
RecoillessRifle t1_iungygk wrote
New England GOP playbook:
Run insane candidates in a very blue region
Lose winnable races
Rinse and repeat but make the candidates even more insane next cycle
southofthetower t1_iunh3e4 wrote
but it a states issue. as well. PL 94-344
ziddersroofurry t1_iunh4fa wrote
It's perfectly legal to fly flags of states, cities, corporations, or organizations as long as they're flown beneath the US flag. Not sure why that shouldn't count for the pride flag, too. There's nothing forbidding it.
"When flags of States, cities, or localities, or pennants of societies are flown on the same halyard with the flag of the United States, the latter should always be at the peak. When the flags are flown from adjacent staffs, the flag of the United States should be hoisted first and lowered last. No such flag or pennant may be placed above the flag of the United States or to the United States flag’s right."
degggendorf t1_iunh6u1 wrote
> One flag is federally protected. the other is not.
So then are you opposed to the RI flag being flown because it's not federally protected? Then may I suggest you lobby our government and it gets put to a vote, you know... like a democracy...
southofthetower t1_iunhavf wrote
you know that there are federal laws, and state laws, correct?
Good-Expression-4433 t1_iunhi5i wrote
The total tax rate for lower and middle class individuals is actually lower in California than in Texas. California just taxes the top 1% far more than Texas does.
[deleted] t1_iunho3d wrote
Good-Expression-4433 t1_iuni00f wrote
That argument is bullshit. "Just do you" doesn't work when one party insists on legislating based on their religious beliefs.
ziddersroofurry t1_iuni0im wrote
It won't end the violence but what it will do is let the LGBTQIA+ community know that we're being recognized as being citizens and people deserving of acknowledgment, validation, and rights, and send a signal to those who would see us oppressed that the tide is slowly turning.
The whole reason we claim to be victims is because we are. That doesn't mean we have a complex. It's a matter of fact. You're adding to our victimization via your attempts at discrediting our plight as a group.
Maybe if you tried having a little compassion for others instead of ignoring the very serious issues and dangers that we as a group face you'd see that this isn't about some dumb flag. It's about the people that flag represents and the absolute horror show that is the way were treated by a large number of this planets population.
ziddersroofurry t1_iuniiyv wrote
It also says it should never be used as apparel or drapery.
Do you go around complaining every time someone slaps a flag on the back of a pair of jeans or do you only complain when it shows up next to one with rainbows on it?
southofthetower t1_iuninsl wrote
I understand the symbolism. I understand the plight... the only this i'm saying is that on state property it should go via a vote of the citizens. pretty simple concept.
degggendorf t1_iunivsw wrote
You failed to answer my question. Why are you working so hard to conceal your actual opinions?
southofthetower t1_iunj586 wrote
no. I'm not comparing the American flag to the Pride flag. There is no comparison. BECAUSE of the AMERICAN FLAG, you have the right to fly the Pride Flag. Its an individual choice to to slap it on the back of your jeans... but to put a flag on state property, it should go to a vote. basic civics.
buddhamanjpb t1_iunjd8a wrote
No, it's for groups that are actually extremist and hateful, but it's interesting how you read my comment and instantly thought that. Sounds like you might be self conscious.
[deleted] t1_iunjgn1 wrote
buddhamanjpb t1_iunjmff wrote
It's also funny that you instantly thought I was referring to right wing groups, when i mentioned nothing of the sort. Goes to show how biased and ignorant you really are.
So yes, left wing extremist hate groups are also hate groups.
Reading comprehension is fun.
buddhamanjpb t1_iunjpki wrote
100% you do.
Beebeeleen t1_iunjta6 wrote
California ranks bad on taxes.
southofthetower t1_iunju4u wrote
bro, you commented on the LC GOP as hate groups... yeah reading comprehension is fun.
buddhamanjpb t1_iunjwdm wrote
Just curious how you feel about religious symbolism on state property? Are you ok with crosses and nativity scenes on state land? In public schools?
Also, if you started this thread with that statement, rather than picking a fight, this could have been a much better conversation instead of immediately thinking I was attacking your ideals.
dman_usa t1_iunk835 wrote
what LMFAO
sc00p401 t1_iunkjzm wrote
You mean like you forcing the haterade agenda?
dman_usa t1_iunkm2j wrote
GOP* stop reciting CNN talking points
dman_usa t1_iunkp4c wrote
southofthetower t1_iunkvsb wrote
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. There is a reason between church and state. There are private schools for religion. State schools should be best of all religions... there is also a reason, why these flags are not flown at state schools....
I agree with your last statement. I was not looking for a fight, but rather a thoughtful discussion. I was attacked right from my first post, so I apologize for protecting my ideals.
Quick_Fennel_3244 t1_iunl0i1 wrote
This is hilarious. A little comment got your panties all up in a bunch.
Same sex = no bueno. You talk about people who only want opposite sex have mental illnesses is freaking hilarious.
Everyone deserves love, no matter what form it is. What a cop out. I think you all need your heads examined. Brainwashed from the modern progressive system you must be.
Fly those flags from those green cars. Keep RI proud. Smash that dislike button as well!
[deleted] t1_iunl2ls wrote
degggendorf t1_iunlj5a wrote
So you criteria is that a flag must be protected by either federal or state decree in order to be allowed to fly on state land?
[deleted] t1_iunlo19 wrote
RecoillessRifle t1_iunlq5h wrote
Maybe, but I’m not a member of the political party that has no chance of ever winning a statewide race in RI because they can’t find a candidate that isn’t either a carpetbagger or a conspiracy theorist.
Adorable_Specific876 t1_iunlvam wrote
People like you are the problem...
southofthetower t1_iunlw0t wrote
no, it should be put to a vote and decided by the people if you are to fly it on state land... you know actually representing the ENTIRE state, by voting... I know, pretty crazy ideals.
mythofinadequecy t1_iunm2pf wrote
Never watch CNN. Convince me that your party is not the GQP. You have elected officials proudly spouting Q-anon disinformation 24/7. Please explain like I'm 5 how you don't belong to the GQP
bluehat9 t1_iunm3z5 wrote
I see you are a different person. Why not move to one of those states if they are so much better? Why do you live here?
dman_usa t1_iunmblg wrote
Easy. Please Explain What “qanon” Conspiracies Elected Republicans Are Spreading
Good-Expression-4433 t1_iunmdbe wrote
Because that's looking strictly at the top end of the individual rates. Lower and middle class total taxes, when you start adding in the tax burden from the combination of all taxes paid in a given year, ends up being lower. The "average" gets skewed because CA hits their top end massively harder than states like Texas and Florida, thus pushing the average higher than it is for most of the actual citizens.
Young people are leaving RI but it's not for their individual tax burdens.
RecoillessRifle t1_iunmkgp wrote
People who do their research and conclude the GOP candidate is unelectable are the problem?
dollrussian t1_iunmlzp wrote
I can tell you haven’t been to a city hall anywhere in Rhode Island recently. Yes, yes it could. It’s a sign of solidarity.
[deleted] t1_iunmsog wrote
degggendorf t1_iunmysv wrote
Wait so now your criteria is that a flag must have a popular vote to be able to fly? So then we're back to you wanting the American and Rhode Island flags taken down.
Good-Expression-4433 t1_iunmz9v wrote
The entire national GOP platform includes it and prominent voices have been going on fucking national TV saying the US should be a fully Christian nation. Most of their arguments against LGBTQ rights as a whole are openly cited as being religious and have been for decades.
argument_sketch t1_iunnkf1 wrote
Florida takes $51 billion more from the federal government then they make in taxes. New York gives the federal government $22 billion more than they taken in taxes.
Red States have lower taxes because they are welfare states.
Frisky_Mongoose t1_iuno1qq wrote
He is being forced to admit he, his way of life, personal preferences and beliefs are not the center of the universe. That’s a hard pill to swallow for those of simple minds.
Beebeeleen t1_iuno5n1 wrote
Yes, you have been right about personal income tax... I will not comment about Rhode Island since this state's taxes hold no bearing on taxes in California.
If we focused exclusively in personal income taxes then California's tax system would appeal to most people outside of business owners, corporations, and the rich.
But the government (federal and state) taxes more than income. Taxes can involve sales, property, and other things.
As a whole, California does not rank very well.
In the link above, the writers feel some tax rates are great (such as personal income, since the writers say it is progressive) but others are bad (such as sales taxes since the writers claim it unfairly hurts poor and working class people).
I was raised in California. I never met anyone who liked the tax system there. Whether poor, working poor, middle class or wealthy, someone has a gripe with the tax system. The links kinda show how people with different political views can view the same system as good and bad for very different reasons.
southofthetower t1_iuno6hp wrote
southofthetower t1_iunort6 wrote
a POW/MIA flag... how about honoring those that fought to YOU can fly that flag?
dollrussian t1_iunoyhv wrote
I have no issues with that. Look at you pulling shit out of your ass to prove a point that doesn’t exist. Touch grass
boulevardofdef t1_iunp55j wrote
"The problem was that the candidates weren't insane enough"
southofthetower t1_iunpb24 wrote
guessing I what? vote for actual democracy? yeah, guilty as charged.
dman_usa t1_iunpcug wrote
Just turn off CNN and ABC okay?
boulevardofdef t1_iunpqp2 wrote
I'm always reluctant to say this because I don't want to accidentally offend the wrong people, but I've long found using a space before a question mark to be a surprisingly good indicator of low intelligence. I've seen people I respect do it, but extremely rarely.
degggendorf t1_iunpwva wrote
> Same sex = no bueno
I might be misunderstanding what you're saying.
Are you saying that gay people are bad?
boulevardofdef t1_iunpxb8 wrote
"Little Compton Sewing Club and Tea Enthusiast Discussion Group"
degggendorf t1_iunqosy wrote
> At a minimum, the Court should confirm that a local government does not establish a government-created forum for private speech by deciding to fly the flag of a foreign country, a private organization, or a movement on its initiative without any formal request. It cannot be disputed that a local government may decide by itself to fly the flag of a foreign country to welcome a foreign dignitary or celebrate the heritage of a portion of the community without creating a forum.
> Thus, for example, local governments may decide to fly only flags of foreign countries, flags of local non-profit and charitable groups, or flags of local non-profit institutions and sports teams without transforming their flagpoles into public fora.
That ruling affirms a town's right to fly something like the Pride Flag, and confirms that flying one flag doesn't require them to then fly all flags. Is that what you intended to support by posting the link?
[deleted] t1_iunsj19 wrote
[deleted] t1_iunt0nx wrote
degggendorf t1_iunt4ag wrote
> cherry picking the article, that not what it says.
It's a supreme court ruling not an article, and those are direct quotes. It is literally what it says.
> Page 9, section C.
The part that summarizes survey results? I am not sure what relevance the status quo before the ruling has on anything.
But even in that section, it agrees with what I quoted and how I summarized it:
> local governments that fly third-party flags frequently reject requests to do so
> For example, in response to the Black Lives Matter movement, one city received a request to display the “Thin Blue Line” flag, but the city declined the request due to the flag’s association with opposition to the Black Lives Matter and racial justice movements.
General_Bluejay3729 t1_iunu5gm wrote
Equality across the board. Just because people are homosexual don't mean you have to go looking for approval. I am bi and I'm a poly relationship and it's because of people like this why my family gets issues. Because they're mad at these loud or off control people pushing gay, while are kids get beat up. I only ask that people remember personal life is personal life.
southofthetower t1_iunvriz wrote
>clearly not an article, I misspoke.
mythofinadequecy t1_iunwauc wrote
So, you didn't provide any argument to change my mind.
Second: I'll provide one proof that your GQP is in fact the GQP: More than thirty candidates support the Q conspiracy pushed by tfg that the election was stolin. If you do your 'research', you will find that the reference Q, 4channel, etc, etc.
I won't bother with all the other GQP insanity, but at the risk of ruining your day, JFK, Jr will not be running with drumph in 2024. Just sayin'
bluehat9 t1_iunx16i wrote
You don’t like the beaches in florida?
mythofinadequecy t1_iuny1mr wrote
I'm disappointed you didn't 'convince' me I was in error.
But, I'll give you Just one, as there are too many of them: More than 30 GQP candidates are running on the 'election was stolen' conspiracy. It wasn't. Even with the pillow man's coke addled promises, there is and never was any proof of this. tfg lost, bigly.
And at the risk of ruining your day, JFK Jr won't be running with tfg on the GQP party line in 2024. Bet the house on that one.
Your welcome!
[deleted] t1_iunz3zw wrote
[deleted] t1_iunzag9 wrote
bluehat9 t1_iunzz4u wrote
I mean there must be some things you like about it here to want to maintain a property and pay the taxes that you do?
I realize that it’s hard to grasp, but the taxes pay for things. So while you claim Florida as residency (and I hope you live there for the required number of days every year), the rest of us are paying for the public services that you use while you’re here. Your property taxes on your beach house cover some, but you aren’t a full contributor since you presumably pay no income tax to the state.
dman_usa t1_iuo05sj wrote
GOP* still pushing the big lie i see
degggendorf t1_iuo284l wrote
So what did you intend to communicate by posting this link?
southofthetower t1_iuo3g3a wrote
that this has been discussed at nauseam. and it lists requirements that need to be met bf a third party flag can be flown on state property.
degggendorf t1_iuo3q95 wrote
The way I'm reading it, it affirms that local governments can basically do whatever they want. What's the list of requirements the SC is putting on local gov?
brick1972 t1_iuo4zty wrote
To be fair, we did fight a Civil War once.
I am also heartbroken by this shit, but mostly because it is more of the same for the same old human race that has basically spent most of its time on Earth being shitty to "others" with brief periods of harmony. Not sure what it will take to get society to be more inspired by unity than activated by hatred.
bluehat9 t1_iuo574a wrote
Does anyone like any tax system anywhere?
bluehat9 t1_iuo61uq wrote
It’s even more interesting that you’re a person fresh in the labor force? So you’ve only been working for a year or less, moved from a big city back home to RI? And now you’re talking about how much better the jobs are in Florida and Texas. But you don’t want to go work in either of those states? Do you have a job here or do your parents take care of the bills and the multiple houses? Did Boston not work out?
DiegoForAllNeighbors t1_iuo67c9 wrote
Note to Dems: GOP talk more about overdose than anyone else. They are owning an issue that they have no ideas to address and Dems stay silent. Building a wall won’t work just like the War on Drugs didn’t work. Let’s talk about what we need to do: HARM REDUCTION AND RECOVERY SERVICES NOW at every little.
invadrzim t1_iuoaxmw wrote
Thats not a lie thats called reality
dman_usa t1_iuob25r wrote
prove it. Lets audit all 50 states than
invadrzim t1_iuobqzk wrote
We already did, its called an election. trump lost, Biden won, thats the simple facts
invadrzim t1_iuobw5q wrote
They’re going to mass, which is even more blue
dman_usa t1_iuocd6j wrote
mmm why so scared to audit all 50 states?
invadrzim t1_iuocedz wrote
This reads like it was generated by an AI and then run though google translate a few dozen times
invadrzim t1_iuocrqj wrote
Those other flags are political flags, a pride flag is not a political symbol
invadrzim t1_iuodfsu wrote
Im not scared, it would be a huge waste of time and money.
There has been to date literally zero evidence of wide spread election fraud in 2020. The only fraud that was found was a few cases of trump supporters voting twice for trump.
All the audits to date and have found nothing.
trump just lost. Get over it
abaum525 t1_iuodhis wrote
Not scared, it's a waste of time and money. The audits done after the 2020 election resulted in now no earth shattering revelations and no changes in the outcome.
Here's one example of everyone's wasted money and time -
Edit - here's another waste of time and money -
dman_usa t1_iuodkxe wrote
waste if money? kinda of like sending money to Ukraine
invadrzim t1_iuodtdn wrote
Lol you can’t stay on a topic can you?
dman_usa t1_iuoe1dp wrote
Oh I can. How can you tell me that 81 MILLION people voted for Former Vice President Joe Biden? I question the 2020 election and I have every right to do so. I don’t know who won in 2020
dman_usa t1_iuoe59e wrote
why were the dominos voting machines connected to internet?
abaum525 t1_iuoed8n wrote
Because the Dominos pizza tracker wouldn't work otherwise.
invadrzim t1_iuoex7e wrote
> How can you tell me that 81 MILLION people voted for Former Vice President Joe Biden?
Because each state counted their ballots and then we added up all the ballots from each state and thats how we got that number. Thats how the popular vote is counted.
Biden won in 2020 because each state counted their ballots and Biden won most states so he got 306 to trump’s 232 electoral votes, beating trump by a landslide (trump’s own words)
Thats how elections work, and thats what happened in 2020. Its not complicated
Opticalpopsicle1074 t1_iuohus8 wrote
What did the mailer say? The article doesn’t say. Can’t make a judgement until I know what it says, it could say anything for all we know. I’m not in LC so I didn’t get one.
lordlordie1992 t1_iuoiqcn wrote
NoraVoid t1_iuoisjw wrote
Ah yes, gotta honor those people who went and invaded other countries to make ours richer. Fuck those murderers. I don't fly flags for killers. I'd much rather fly a flag that represents love and life.
lordlordie1992 t1_iuoj1a0 wrote
Dude you don't get it
GhostOpera406 OP t1_iuoof0f wrote
The article actually does link to another article with the source material:
Images of the mailer:
platzie t1_iuorqkq wrote
Yeah, I'm not seeing any Q stuff in the mailer, just some standard fear mongering and outright lies (ie: children are being taught CRT).
I did like the part where they bemoan how Democrats want to "blame everything on Trump and/or Putin". Yeah, not a good look to make it sound, even inadvertently, like you're sympathetic to the most hated person in the world right now.
Also enjoyed how they noted the mailer cost all their funds, so please send them money. How embarrassing.
CoffeeMilkTA t1_iuovbgl wrote
Can confirm. I grew up in LC and moved to Mass.
Opticalpopsicle1074 t1_iuoybbc wrote
Thanks for posting the link. Where’s the “hate”? I’m not seeing it.
GordonAlfredShumway t1_iuozq6a wrote
That, or using ... between sentences instead of a comma or single period and a space.
Democrats...SORRY meant DEMONRATS LOL...pushing there agenda...look what there doing to this families values left...go woke go broke lol...
BitterStatus9 t1_iup2oiq wrote
But they ARE sympathetic to ...wait, which one is the most hated? Anyway, doesn't matter. They are absolutely in league with the assclowns who support those guys and their moronic ilk.
BitterStatus9 t1_iup2vmk wrote
The person you are arguing with is not focused on the facts you are presenting.
[deleted] t1_iup3gsz wrote
GhostOpera406 OP t1_iup59mn wrote
The disinformation on LGBTQ folks and education in the last paragraph in the first image, and it continues on in the first paragraph of the second image.
degggendorf t1_iup9cwm wrote
I'm not even trying to argue, I'm pulling teeth just trying to get them to explain themselves
commandantskip t1_iup9kf8 wrote
I would argue that it goes further back than Fox News. You can see conservatives in the immediate aftermath of the Civil Rights era sowing the seeds of the current party in the Southern Strategy - appealing to voters in that region through dog-whistle appeals to racism, sexism, and Christian nationalism. It's as if each decade has doubled down on the Southern Strategy since it's implementation in the mid-1960s.
BitterStatus9 t1_iupawnw wrote
That is clear to the rest of us. I would have backed quickly away long ago! You tried, though. Your responses made it clearer to me what the SC decision actually says (that is also relevant in this instance).
degggendorf t1_iupiryj wrote
Yeah I have the tendency to drag things out to allow others the space to make fools of themselves...
It's probably neither helpful nor healthy, but I sure enjoy it.
Beebeeleen t1_iupjfdm wrote
Not all taxes systems are equal. People HATE California's tax system. Contrary to Good-Expression's claim about the taxes being lower, California has a notoriously bad tax system that negatively impacts more than the wealthy. Plenty of people seek to leave the state because of the system.
I lived in the midwest (specifically, Michigan). The tax system was not as bad. I can say that we felt a change here in RI (sales tax is pretty bad here).
mightynifty_2 t1_iupr40u wrote
The "Don't tread on me" flag has been coopted by the libertarian party, so no, it shouldn't be flown on a government building. A gay pride flag is apolitical, and therefore acceptable. A back the blue flag is stupid, but outside of my personal distaste I don't see why it wouldn't be allowed to be flown. Hope that clears things up.
The language wasn't just lacking empathy, it was clearly trying to send the message that gay=bad. Additionally, they equated more LGBT staff in schools to more sex education, which they clearly dislike (more idiocy). Tangentially, though not directly, this ties into the conspiracy theory that LGBT people are more likely to be predators, which is only the case among clergy as far as I can tell.
Chris_Mannix t1_iupz5b9 wrote
Yo, all of you white motherfuckers in Little Compton, stop Being so fucKing racist and homophobic!! NO ONE LIKES YOU!!!
winter-14 t1_iuq2mq5 wrote
No wealthy long-timers? You might be off track.
mittynuke t1_iuq3cmv wrote
How is this “q-anon” talking points, hateful, or untrue at all?
Please point out the lies/untruths
southofthetower t1_iuqxx0q wrote
wow... you realize because of those "murders" you are ABLE to fly your flag. it's a shame that you have been so indoctrinated to hate your past. YOu think those men wanted to fight? there were not given a choice. I bet you could not fight your way out of a wet paper bag if you tried. if so angry, why not leave USA? I also find it very hypicrital as your typing this from an electrical device made from slave labor.
NoraVoid t1_iur168u wrote
Name one time that America has had to defend her freedoms from another country.
Middle East: Destabilizing the area for oil and then a disproportionate response to a terrorist attack.
Vietnam and Korea: FiGhTiNg CoMmUnIsM
World War 2: We had a good reason to fight, sure. Everyone can agree Nazis are bad. We didn't step in an help right away though. We waited and even then it wasn't our freedoms in peril yet. It was more about looking tough. If it had been about freedoms we would have entered the war sooner.
Not to mention all the absolute crap we've done to help prop up dictators and banana republics in the name of democracy.
We've literally only ever invaded other countries.
Those soldiers you're so hyped up about? Most of them (barring draftees but even they had a choice to refuse to pick up a gun) chose that life. They chose to stay in those situations after seeing the war crimes America commits.
As for fighting? You're right. I used to be able to kick ass and take names. Now I'm older and wiser. So I know better than to fight.
Why not leave America? America was built on the idea that a government power must be willing to change and have a citizenry holding it accountable. To leave the country rather than fighting to make a better place, would be irresponsible.
Real change doesn't come from killing others. It comes from helping each other.
Stella430 t1_iurey2f wrote
I live in neighboring Tiverton. We had Tiverton Taxpayers Association that was equally sucky and far right. They might still exist but the two main people got kicked off the town council. We “won” because their followers were as dumb as rocks. There was a petition to hold a recall election which passed. However, in order for the election to be valid, a certain percentage of voters had to actually vote. So what did the TTA do??? They urged their followers to NOT VOTE so that the election would be invalid. More than enough people showed up and 95% of them voted to recall these clowns. It was epic. There was even a photo of one of the clowns standing outside the poling place in the rain all by himself. It was epic.
Stella430 t1_iurfawd wrote
Remember Tiverton Taxpayers association?? They failed epically because their supporters are dumb as fuck
invadrzim t1_iusnrk5 wrote
That all looks like bullshit to me
Jazzbo64 t1_iuml426 wrote
Little Compton GOP is insane. Here's a post from the Little Compton Republicans' FB page:
Machado Erica
I still havent figured out why she lost. Was it the Russian's? or was it wikileaks ? or was it Podesta ? Or Comey ? or was it a sexual predator husband ? or was a staff's husband Wiener;s immoral pictures resulting in him going to prison for pedophelia porn? was it subpoena violation ? or was it the corrupt foundation ? or was it the congressional lies ? or was it the Bengazi bungle ? or was it pay for play ? or was it travel gate scandal ? or was it whitewater scandal ? or the cattlegate scandal ? Or the TrooperGate scandal ? Or was it the $15 million for Chelsea's apt bought with foundation money, Chelsea's wedding paid for with Foundation money ? Or Comey's investigation ? Or her husbands interference with Loretta Lynch and the investigation ? Or was it stealing debate questions ? Was it forensically deleting 30,000 emails ? Was it the Seth Rich murder ? Was it calling half the USA deplorable ? Was it the underhanded treatment of Bernie Sanders ? Was it the Vince Foster murder ? The Jennifer Flowers assault ? The Jennifer Flowers settlement ? The Paula Jones law suit ? The $800,000 Paula Jones settlement ? The lie about taking on sniper fire ? The impeachment ? The 6 billion $ she "lost" when in charge of the state dept ? The 10 million she took for the pardon of Marc Rich ? Her wish to abolish the Electoral college in future voting, selling uranium to the Russians,? Gee, I just cant quite put my finger on it, but it seems to be right in front of me....