Submitted by saucyB52 t3_z5oye3 in RhodeIsland

The harbor could use an artistically gifted person with an old timey sea dog mentality

And then that person could go around and put some "zazz" into the ambiance of the harbor

Mermaids n things on the break water wall or somthn

Is there some sea beast particularyily associated with this area

I vote for put some zazz into wickford harbor, open up a boat dock side bar or sumpinsumptin



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downpat t1_ixxr0ov wrote

You’re better off keeping these views limited to the RIPTA to Scarborough


RandomChurn t1_ixyi52s wrote

Go home, Saucy: you're sauced 😆


overthehillhat t1_ixyvh1c wrote

Save the Bay has started seal tours again - -