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StonksGuy3000 t1_iv6o5vh wrote

That’s such a weak argument though. The electoral college has already been in place for how long? Sure, we can advocate for change and try to establish a new/better system, but if those were the rules going in, it’s ridiculous to try to claim victory or an illegitimate president based on winning some other metric (i.e. popular vote).


MikeMac999 t1_iv6rnat wrote

I’m not claiming anything; I agree that the election was decided correctly. My point, and this was a tangential thing anyway, was that it was at least understandable why people would feel that way. The law doesn’t support them but more people voted against him so at least there’s a logic to it. Trumps claim of winning in 2020 is based on nothing more than his desire to remain in office, even his henchman Barr said there was nothing to support that.