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maybebullshitmaybe t1_ixqa54g wrote

If you don't know, then u probably aren't down. Lol


[deleted] OP t1_ixqa866 wrote



maybebullshitmaybe t1_ixqaa1k wrote

I mean "trying to keep yesterday going" is a thing lol

Eta: u downvoting cranky gramps


[deleted] OP t1_ixqack4 wrote



maybebullshitmaybe t1_ixqaezy wrote

Okay. Sounds like ur doing something way better. GFY. Tool bag


buddhamanjpb t1_ixqchor wrote

Well this escalated quickly


maybebullshitmaybe t1_ixr1jxl wrote

I forgot RI shuts down at 10pm and people's idea of a good time is a trip to the market for bread, milk, and t.p.