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wormholeweapons t1_ivzkmz3 wrote

I don’t care what another state does or doesn’t charge. This state charges that. I had a toll charge from Texas get sent to me with a late fee applied that was from before the notice even got to me.

So. Mildly infuriating or annoying. Sure.

A scam. No.

Point blank. They didn’t mail it to god knows where because they made up the address. That was your address in the system they were given. Either by you when you signed up for ez pass. Or perhaps via your registration or the dmv. Whatever. It’s on you to be responsible and stay on top of it and keep those things up to date.

It sucks. I don’t disagree. But it’s not a scam. If it was then everything and anything any town state or federal charge is would be a scam too.

Life lesson kid. Learn from it.


[deleted] OP t1_ivzl57x wrote



Clamgravy t1_ivzohzu wrote

If you don't want to pay a late fee, pay your bill on time. How is EZPass supposed to know that your registration information is out of date? Sounds like a personal problem


[deleted] OP t1_ivzp9o9 wrote



Clamgravy t1_ivzpnid wrote

Again, if you kept your registration up to date, and paid the fee on time... This wouldn't be a problem. It's easily avoidable.


[deleted] OP t1_ivzpuj9 wrote



Clamgravy t1_ivzs8se wrote

I'm sorry you feel ripped off. You should get upset.


jackassjimmy t1_ivztu9u wrote

Look, is it fair that banks charge between $25-45, when you overdraw your checking account, by a dollar for a coffee or some nebulous purchase? Nope. Do they do it? A million times a day. Does it make people link checking (ez pass) to another account, for overdraft protection or know how much money is ALWAYS available for purchases? Probably. Are the fees you’re being assessed exorbitant? Yep. However, the state is strapped for cash and you can’t expect the state to figure it out. The taxpayer is always going to be in the wrong. It’s Rhode Island at its finest.


wormholeweapons t1_ivzlk74 wrote

It was $30 or $35.

I think you need to look up what the definition of “scam” is. If you check the RI site for tolls. They tell you up front the late fee schedule.

It’s not a scam. The amount is irrelevant.

You are spending more time arguing on Reddit about it being a scam as opposed to just. I dunno. Get an EZ pass and connect it to a credit card. The toll will be paid every time right then and there.