Submitted by insertsavvynamehere t3_yv1jjv in RhodeIsland
HeWhoIsNotMe t1_iwc20qd wrote
Guy in the white sweater: Ok dude, you've done your clown show, now GTFO.
CaroKannyeWest t1_iwc8bt6 wrote
Pretty gross looking Chipotle while we're at it.
whatsaphoto t1_iwcd5t6 wrote
I imagine being high af just waiting on your burrito bowl and having this happen before your very eyes would be a hell of an experience.
dishwashersafe t1_iwcedvu wrote
haha love it - he's pretty good!
bassicallyverygreat t1_iwcmdtv wrote
Did I just see someone I know in this video? Of course I did, I’m a Rhode Islander.
citrus_mystic t1_iwdowro wrote
Sounds like Moon Hooch but they’re not local
(Edit- someone in the comments of the original post said it was one of the guys from Moon Hooch, but he’s probably just visiting some buddies)
bubbatherat247 t1_iwdu9q4 wrote
This guy fucks.
Coincel_pro t1_iwelqgo wrote
They seem to be genuinely enjoying themselves. You should try it sometime its nice.
Coincel_pro t1_iwelsh6 wrote
Hah this would be fun to be around for... if hes not like doing it 5 times a day in there or something.
svaldbardseedvault t1_iweu6a1 wrote
Michael Wilbur is the musician in Moon Hooch that you might be thinking of, but I don’t think this is him. Which is weird, because it is everything he does and exactly how he plays.
Edit: rewatched several times, and definitely not him, but really otherwise is a dead on impression. I used to live in their neighborhood in NYC and saw them all the time. Weird.
overthehillhat t1_iwg5qv3 wrote
He switched to the sax from his tuba after hi-school
JKBone85 t1_iwg7f5d wrote
That’s Wenzl McGowen. He’s the other half of Moon Hooch, with Mike Wilbur. Wenzl is from Brockton and lives in New Bedford.
Related: Too Many Zoos will be at the Met on Thursday.
BuntCarf t1_iwg9297 wrote
Man I thought this as soon as I opened it, if I were here stoned I'd probably end up on the floor hyperventilating from laughter. This guy rules.
Rhodybless88 t1_iwgdb65 wrote
I dunno, but I like it
[deleted] t1_iwge5n3 wrote
Unique-Public-8594 t1_iwc0ubc wrote
If you are wondering what this is and whether you want to click,
The answer is:
It’s a loud street performer in a fast food joint.