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BobJacobs2022 t1_iwrbl1x wrote

The new Covid varriant has GI issues with it. Seeing a ton of Strep but not so much Flu these days.


Ok_Caregiver_2056 OP t1_iwrvkgz wrote

Tested twice for Covid and was negative


BobJacobs2022 t1_iws58lr wrote

Yeah. Seeing that a lot too. People you think will have Covid are not.


401jamin t1_iwu08yv wrote

Rsv went around hard. Most of my kids daycare got it. Last I heard Covid at home tests don’t pick up new variants. My wife had Covid 3 weeks ago and tested negative on everything except pcr.


Ok_Caregiver_2056 OP t1_iwwb9wc wrote

Oh no!! I didn't know that!! Actually 5 people I know tested positive for Covid with an at home test when they started getting flu like symptoms. I haven't been around them and no fever or flu symptoms here. But I'm sure tons of covid infected people test negative with those home tests.