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degggendorf t1_iwy2fdp wrote

It's definitely nice as a human visitor. I'm far from an expert, but I think in the range of zoos, they're solidly on the "display animals for profit" side of the spectrum than the "doing actual conversation work" end.

In contrast, from what I understand the Mystic Aquarium's animals are rescues that cannot be rehabilitated to survive in the wild, and they're what end up on display. But for all those individuals you see at the zoo, there are dozens of others you don't see because they're rehabilitated and back in the ocean.


spitechicken- t1_iwy4zef wrote

They catch and release timber rattlesnakes infected with fungus and also breed and release them, breed and release American burying beetles, breed and release New England cottontails, and took in like 200 turtles that were about to be trafficked and are prepping them for release


degggendorf t1_iwyxmp8 wrote

>They catch and release timber rattlesnakes infected with fungus and also breed and release them,

That's worse!


SuddenlySimple t1_iwys8cc wrote

I haven't been to this aquariam in ages, my Father used to have the pass for the year...and it was nice and entertaining back then....

Me wanting to take a trip there now and see what it is like now.....hope I'm not disappointed as I was with the RWP ZOO.


degggendorf t1_iwyxksv wrote

It's certainly a decent aquarium, but keep your expectations in check - their actual conservation work means they're not investing everything in displays for humans. But I also haven't been in ages either.


SuddenlySimple t1_iwyy2qz wrote

Last time i went was about 10 yrs ago and they werent doing the shows anymore which bothered me because in my mind the shows helped justify the prices.

I will have to check their website thank you flr reminding me of a GEM from my childhood.

Yeah the animals are enclosed there also but seems they took into account accommodations