Submitted by TotalDebate6050 t3_zaw4zy in RhodeIsland
TotalDebate6050 OP t1_iyol4tz wrote
No she did even get to that point she texted me while she had them on the phone and I confirmed I was still at work.
TotalDebate6050 OP t1_iyol89y wrote
She texted me while she had them on the phone and I told her I was fine at work. They wanted it wired to them like a western union etc
spacebarstool t1_iyovd4g wrote
They called my elderly mother about my son being in jail. Scumbags. My mom didn't buy it.
Another person in town here in N. Smithfield had someone take voice clips from their daughter's tic tocs and recreated her 12 yo daughter saying she was kidnapped and needed money. It was very convincing and terrifying, but luckily they figured it out in time.
TotalDebate6050 OP t1_iyovkgm wrote
Oh my goodness that’s horrible i wish the cops could track the numbers
brighty420 t1_iyoy07m wrote
Bbbaaahhhaaahhha that's fuckin awesome.
impact4 t1_iyp0j9r wrote
She was a true G. The lady taught me how to cheat taxes and play poker when I was a kid. Her little sister is doing 40 years for killing a fed witness. She also had a hell of a sweet tooth.
My favorite memory with her was taking her out to a restaurant for her birthday. She casually asked the waitress to "turn off this john mayer shit" because she didn't like the music being played by some local performers.
brighty420 t1_iyp2cce wrote
Ha ha, yea they don't make them like that anymore lol. My grandmother was part of that same don't take no shit, no filter, tell it how it is generation too. I sure as hell miss that shit.
chaoticnormal t1_iyp8otj wrote
One called an elderly client of mine claiming to be grandson and gotten into a car accident needed money. Smart old lady asked her "grandson" what she goes by (nana, grandma, that sort of thing). When he got it wrong she hung up. It still worried her terribly and contacted the police.
CaribbeanCowgirl27 t1_iypjiyk wrote
They are not calling from Mexico… they are calling from the DR.
How do I know you might ask… I also got a scammer call AND I’m Dominican. Not that this changes anything or make me any proud 😔
Desperate_Expert_952 t1_iypjklm wrote
Wicked common scam dating back a few years now. Get a populated list and dial. Throw poop against a wall. If the my pick the money up in person probably a Dominican criminal based organization if the “ransom” was digital or crypto probably Nigerian or Indian based. The phone number 99.999% is a VoIP which would come back to one of those countries
Beautiful-Page3135 t1_iypk44n wrote
The dreaded 401 area code from...Rhode Island. Now we know they're legit!
Beastcoastboarder t1_iyq6vcm wrote
Oldest trick in the book
somegridplayer t1_iyqhjke wrote
My dad got one of these a while ago.
He said keep him. ¯\(ツ)/¯
Bioluminescentllama t1_iyqpnlv wrote
I forgot what sub I was in and was like “wow n. smithfield is right near me; what are the odds?!?” Haha oh Rhode Island. :)
[deleted] t1_iyqv7ep wrote
[deleted] t1_iyqvbof wrote
[deleted] t1_iyqvfb4 wrote
[deleted] t1_iyqvho2 wrote
[deleted] t1_iyqvmgi wrote
[deleted] t1_iyqvrqd wrote
[deleted] t1_iyqvuen wrote
notprivatepyle1 t1_iyqxxim wrote
Unfortunately, posting the number won't help. It's super easy to spoof a phone number and make it look like they're calling from whatever number they want. Like stupidly easy. Just Google "how to spoof a phone number", it's eye opening.
sarah_t420 t1_iyrtrfh wrote
Yeah my mom know me well enough to know i wouldnt survive the capture portion of the kidnapping id do something to make them kill me or just give up on taking me lmfao 🤣☠️
Alarmed_Nebula3917 t1_iyol21c wrote
Did the money go thru a money exchange app? Even it was something like cashapp it’s worth a shot to contact them and inform them about the fraud