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strugglebus984 t1_j2d8sfv wrote

I previously lived in a city in another state with a school district that was highly coveted. People did all kinds of things to enroll their kids in said school system. A co-worker rented a small apartment in coveted school district to send their kids to school there. He said it was cheaper than private school tuition. The family used the apartment sometimes as a get away. Extreme and expensive. Another rented a room in a grandparents home who lived in the district. One person went to work for the school in the office because the school allowed employees children to attend if they paid a small amount of tuition. The funny thing was, my kids went to the coveted school district and I didn’t find it that much different. Some teachers were great and some sucked. Some staff were exceptionally kind, and some were rude. I found that the principal makes the most difference in school quality. If the principal is good, the teachers are happy and good teachers want to work at that school. If the principal is mean or incompetent, the good teachers leave quickly.