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RandomChurn t1_iyuzwke wrote

The US does not have a homogenous culture; lack of same is pretty much what defines us as a nation.

That said, three years into a pandemic, a lot of (US) young adults are living in sweats or flannel pajama bottoms 😆

So yeah, CasualAreUs pretty much

(Not many cities in the world -- if any -- are up to Milan standards)


wyldweasil t1_iyv0s07 wrote

Finally someone else noticed the pajamas/sweatpants epidemic!

When I went to high school sweatpants were taboo.

I went to the movies a few weeks ago on a day off. a 2pm screening I counted 10 people wearing Pajamas.


RandomChurn t1_iyv69yf wrote

Ikr?! 😅

Saw a girl yesterday on a city street unloading a little UHaul moving van while rocking a pair of plaid flannel pj bottoms and I was like, "you go, Sis"