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CaptnProlapse t1_iywbzac wrote

You mean the one down the street from Blake's? I was at that one last Sunday, and they were making drinks for people who aren't there. They ended up giving them away. I was waiting for 15 minutes for a large ice extra extra cause these two girls couldn't get their shit together.


[deleted] t1_iywwtdq wrote



[deleted] t1_iywx9qx wrote



[deleted] t1_iywxdse wrote



[deleted] t1_iywxj13 wrote



[deleted] t1_iyx36cp wrote



CaptnProlapse t1_iyx3fkf wrote

There's one place in Warwick that will melt the sugar, so you're not chewing your coffee, but yes, that's extra cream extra sugar.

Honestly, I normally go to Honeydew.