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dmtjiminarnnotatrdr t1_izfat23 wrote

I'm surprised that there haven't been a few more up in Northern RI considering how they were bragging about what they did on Facebook.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_izfddhu wrote

I think the sheer volume of tips probably overwhelmed resources and the justice department has to go through each one, verify whether or not it's true, whether it's provable, and whether they've got enough to win a case. Gathering that much info takes time and it'd be a terrible look to have a false ID. Hell, even someone who could stand trial and has a good chance of "not guilty" is amont the worst case scenarios.

I'm not sure how long that will take, but I think there's going to be very few people who went inside the capitol that somehow escape punishment.


degggendorf t1_izhoais wrote

>there's going to be very few people who went inside the capitol that somehow escape punishment.

Idk about that, I was in the Capitol and no one's come looking for me yet.

But then again, I was in there on a guided tour in the 90's, which might have something to do with it...