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buddhamanjpb t1_izf0hbr wrote

From Hopkinton...surprise...surprise...


Proof-Variation7005 t1_izfan39 wrote

I don't want to say I have a favorite part of January 6th but "the part where hundreds of people miscalculated and didn't think there would be someone in their life who knew them and disliked them enough to turn them in" is definitely my favorite part of January 6th.

That and the shaman dude's drip.


dmtjiminarnnotatrdr t1_izfat23 wrote

I'm surprised that there haven't been a few more up in Northern RI considering how they were bragging about what they did on Facebook.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_izfddhu wrote

I think the sheer volume of tips probably overwhelmed resources and the justice department has to go through each one, verify whether or not it's true, whether it's provable, and whether they've got enough to win a case. Gathering that much info takes time and it'd be a terrible look to have a false ID. Hell, even someone who could stand trial and has a good chance of "not guilty" is amont the worst case scenarios.

I'm not sure how long that will take, but I think there's going to be very few people who went inside the capitol that somehow escape punishment.


Espeeste t1_izfmqc4 wrote

William Cotton of Hopkinson is a traitor the the USA and a disgrace to the state of Rhode Island.

It’s just disgusting to know that Mr. Cotton so rabidly wanted to overturn the election that he helped violently attack the Capital. Spreading lies of stolen elections, trying to destabilize the US, Bill Cotton might as well work directly for Putin.

What an entitled snowflake.


JeffFromNH t1_izg9b2k wrote

WPRI reported that his defense was that he "couldn't recall" being there. It was one of the biggest events of our lifetimes, and the dude can't remember being there.

There's stupid, and then there's whatever this guy is.


Beezlegrunk OP t1_izgcl3g wrote

I imagine rival schools are busy looking for photos of the guy wearing that shirt at the Capitol, and thinking up witty tag lines for a fake Bryant promotional campaign they’ll slip onto the Internet overnight …


Scullyitzme t1_izgezu2 wrote

When it's Rep. Price I'll be happy.


tootnine t1_izghgbj wrote

They're letting these fuckers off easy. They should be charged as traitors.


degggendorf t1_izhoais wrote

>there's going to be very few people who went inside the capitol that somehow escape punishment.

Idk about that, I was in the Capitol and no one's come looking for me yet.

But then again, I was in there on a guided tour in the 90's, which might have something to do with it...


auburncedar t1_izhr7vt wrote

Holy shit I know this guy! He has been a longtime medical marijuana advocate in RI


Wide_Television_7074 t1_izhvsgv wrote

I saw the ratings for the J6 “committee” circus were pretty bad but I didn’t know that there were so many people from RI that believed that shit until I saw this board. Read up a little on the History of Rhode Island, maybe you’ll be a bit more conscious of the false narrative you’ve bought into…


iainvention t1_izizgag wrote

Does he live behind the Providence Bagel on Mineral Spring?


RealKing17 t1_izlsa2f wrote

Nice and to think they thought they would never get caught. Haha


Wide_Television_7074 t1_izoilpb wrote

Or is it that you are too lazy to learn the history of the state that you live in? Possibly too lazy to even read the comments you reply to? You have to work for knowledge, it’s not just given to you. The contemporary misstep may be to accommodate this warped concept of entitlement for all, but education is earned and that can’t be changed even if the scales are tipped for equality of outcome. The fundamentals don’t have “for dummies” books, I’m sorry, if you need things dumbed down you’ll have to exit the conversation. There’s nothing cryptic about routine discourse, as there’s nothing unique about the incoherent shouts of those seeking to be relevant from the periphery. Bring something of value or be gone.