Submitted by Due_Dragonfly_5547 t3_zk8ypp in RhodeIsland

Trying to help a friend who just moved to Providence. His bill just skyrocketed due to the rate hike with RIE. Is there any alternative energy provider that is much cheaper? Or, should I just suggest that he check out solar (if so, any suggestions?).



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PigpenMcKernan t1_izyj7xk wrote

This is only anecdotal, but my understanding is that you can look up other providers on a state exchange/website. However, RI Energy has the lowest rates. The recent rate hikes are a pass along by the regional grid manager — you can’t really get around this by switching local providers.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_izyjwag wrote

Checking out solar like installing solar? Or picking a solar provider? Picking s solar provider won’t be cheaper but better karma.


bartolo345 t1_izypnwe wrote

Are they using electricity for heating? Are they homeowners? They should get a free energy audit and go from there.
Solar is an option, but focus on reducing demand first (insulation, efficiency)


March_Latter t1_izyqmay wrote

I know people will downvote this but there is a far greater solution to solar. Turn the lights off. If your electric bill is shocking it has nothing to do with the rates, it has to do with your behavior. You want to spend 10-30k to lower your $500 electric bill feel free. But the real answer is just shut off the damn lights.


Accurate-Historian-7 t1_izywusi wrote

It has everything to do with rates. Electric went up 47% in October. Sure turning off the lights is a great idea, save 10$ maybe 15$. I dunno about you but at my place it’s 4:30 and dark. Sun isn’t up until about 7am. That’s 14 an a half hours of darkness. Unfortunately I’m going to need some light to cook dinner, eat, get ready for bed and just maybe have a light on so I don’t sit in darkness all evening.

I’ve lived in 3 others states and never come close to paying what I do here for electric.


FjordExplorher t1_izyx1oh wrote

Those guys from India or Pakistan that call me every day to lower my rate might be able to help.


March_Latter t1_izz050f wrote

My cost was $ went to $140. My rooms are always bright, my TV is always on. Now if the rest of the area does not want to conserve the answer is very simple. You need a new power plant, and that will never happen in RI.


Hot_Introduction_270 t1_izzktez wrote

That website that McKee started as LT Governor was good to find savings but now has become a joke like a lot of his administration


degggendorf t1_j03pxuq wrote

(TL;DR: sign up for a community solar project to save 5-10%)

Yes and no...RIE does pass the wholesale cost of the electric supply, but it's at the "default blend" (my term, not a technical one) of power generation, which is roughly 50% natural gas, 25% nuclear, 15% renewables, and 10% hydroelectric for us (more detail here). So the wholesale cost for that energy is a weighted average of those sources...gas for $$$, nuclear for $$, solar for $, hydro for $$.

But you can pay less than that wholesale cost by changing the blend of power generation you get...if you can change your blend to 50% renewable, 25% nuclear, and 25% gas, that total weighted average cost will be lower.

Enter deregulated supply and Community Solar projects that allow you to do just that. Join a community solar project, and a larger portion of the generation^1 for your power will come from solar, which will lower your total blended cost, while supporting/stimulating the market for renewable energy.

Official link for more info, or keep reading for my mostly-accurate summary of how it works:

^1 my summary: it's wonky because it's all the same electrons in the same wires, so we/they use Renewable Energy Credits that are basically an accounting tool to track an imaginary unit of power from a generator and to a user. Kind of like donating to an anti-hunger charity, where your $10 feeds 100 kids. It's not like they take your exact $10 to the store then buy 100 meals for specific children that are fed by you...they just know that with their operating budget of $100,000 per month, they are able to supply the equivalent of 1 million meals.

Anyway, to manage all that, there are four parties involved:

  1. You

  2. RIE

  3. An energy management company, which will be Arcadia or Common Energy for us

  4. The actual solar farm

You will pay the management company, who then pays RIE and the generator. You save money, RIE gets their generation needs fulfilled, the solar farm gets a return on their investment, and the management company gets a cut too...all hinging on the fact that it's cheaper to generate solar power than gas power.

To illustrate, here are some made up numbers that ignore the REC accounting for simplicity (at the expense of accuracy):

Current state: 75% gas, 25% solar

  • Gas generation cost: $0.20/kWh

  • Solar generation cost: $0.10/kWh

  • Weighted average generation cost, you pay RIE: $0.175/kWh

Community Solar: 50% solar, 50% gas

  • Weighted average generation cost: $0.15/kWh

  • RIE pays the solar farm: $0.10/kWh

  • The management company pays the solar farm: $0.05/kWh

  • You pay the management company: $0.165/kWh

  • The management company keeps the remaining $0.015/kWh


_randapanda_ t1_j06j7ls wrote

Your electric bill went up 56%. It’s nice that you imagine every person and home has exactly your circumstances, but for the majority of people a 56% increase in an electric bill is a hefty increase.


March_Latter t1_j06jm7k wrote

My mother lives in 3000sf of 1970's technology.. If she can keep her electric bill below $150 the people with LEDS have no method of complaining. It doesn't even take effort, when you leave a room shut off the light. At night does it look like daylight outside? Shut off the light.


_randapanda_ t1_j06ly5z wrote

Yes you’re very special and do everything right and everyone should be just like you.

Unfortunately, they’re not, and the answer to a 56% energy bill increase is not “well turn off your lights”, because that is objectively ridiculous in New England in the winter, especially in cases when the majority of people’s bills are going to heating their homes which is not negotiable in freezing weather.

Enjoy your 56% increase and blaming other people for not wanting to have their own bills hiked. It’s weird that you’re taking the time to defend energy corporations for raising rates.


March_Latter t1_j06n15j wrote

Its weird you don't think people can have the room they are not occupying dark. Also who is dumb enough after all these years to put electric heat in New England? Even the heat pump companies tell you to add gas or propane for the actual cold weather. So I assume you love solar panels like the rest of the dumb shits. If you sell them you can afford them on your house, but stop preying on the poor with overpriced and senseless garbage.


_randapanda_ t1_j06ptmq wrote

Plenty of houses have electric heat, they weren’t built in the last 20 years. If your fix is “don’t live in this current reality” than your solutions are unserious and I can’t imagine why you’re commenting on a threat about energy bill reductions.


March_Latter t1_j08d90z wrote

Rhode island...its just an idiot state...Turn the lights on, get solar. Hell run the dryer all day for heat. Pay the most you can to a solar salesman and make sure you finance. Whole state of idiots who deserve their lot in life.