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BMorris2526 t1_j0u0x7l wrote

We're also first in having the dumbest and most uninformed voters in the country.


[deleted] OP t1_j0u3ewt wrote

I got news for ya. Everyone sucks at driving. It's not just us. It's the act of caring about your own movements with complete disregard for others doing the exact same thing. (Insert long winded venting paragraph here about why every other driver sucks) Forget self-driving cars; people need to know what empathy is.


[deleted] OP t1_j0uayqg wrote

I have never seen a single sign saying anything along the lines of "driving above speed limit only allowable if everyone else is doing it"

there are signs in NH that say "minimum and maximum speed" but that is entirely different.

please cite the exact law from the handbook please.


Nighthawk9997 t1_j0ubhqj wrote

So if you're on the left lane on an empty highway, you would be going 55mph?

Handbook? The last book I held was the Bible. But if you kindly Google the term you will find more info about it, I know about the maximum and minimum limits they use these in a two lines Highways only.


Nighthawk9997 t1_j0ucssd wrote

I myself if the highway on the left lane was empty I would be going 80-85mph in the 55mph zone, and if both lanes were empty I would take the right lane. But some people like your case will speed up to cut me off and keep swerving in traffic, Fast & Furious wannabe!


rendrag099 t1_j0ud0gw wrote

The "study" comprised of reviewing tweets.

It's amazing what counts as "science" nowadays.


LateToSapphos t1_j0ud7lm wrote

Agreed on an empty highway I would just stay in the right lane for convenience. I’ll never understand people who weave through traffic and drive like hell it’s been proven that it doesn’t even save you that much time so it’s pretty pointlessly dangerous.

I remember driving to somewhere and my friend was also going there so we left with two cars. She drives like that and she made it to the destination about 30 seconds before I did and I was riding like normal traffic in the middle lane.


Nighthawk9997 t1_j0udmm3 wrote

Okay right, the link you sent says that 5mph over the limit is illegal? Lol what? Do you know any police officers that you can ask? I have been driving for 15 years, and never had a ticket for speeding or driving related things, I would recommend that you check out your local police station and explain to them what you are doing they might put you in jail, lol I'm joking.


[deleted] OP t1_j0uhiwr wrote

the law is the law. The police are the enforcers of the law, and they use their judgement as they see fit (hence "warnings" instead of tickets). There is another article saying that "it may be rare that an officer writes a ticket" for speeding under 5mph but that it's up to the officer to determine that (and lists numerous reasons why that would be, like radar not being that accurate).

because you're driving me crazy here... I am looking up the ruling.

In the Rhode island drivers manual page 56, "1-10 miles per hour (mph) in excess of posted speed limit" is an $85 fine.

according to Rhode island general laws the same rule applies.

here is the law we are looking for. it reads " the commission may determine and declare a reasonable and safe prima facie speed limit for that place which shall be effective at all times" Other related rules also say that when you pass, you're supposed to honk your horn and give ample space to the driver being passed.

more rules to follow. I believe what you are referring to is the "prima facie" laws which only dictate speeds that are not engineered out. The DOT can just make one up they find that works, but its then posted on a sign after the last entrance to that road. These laws were also written in 1950s for the most part.

there is nothing in here about driving over the speed limit, ever.


Nighthawk9997 t1_j0ujiue wrote

Well if you want to follow rules that even cops don't care about, you go ahead just don't block the highway by going the same speed as the guy beside you, because I see this every single day on the 147 Eddie Dowling hwy, if you or anyone else want to drive 55mph please by all means go ahead just clear the left lane, I have seen police and school buses going over the limits many times, going slower than the rest is more dangerous than speeding with the rest of the people, yet I might be wrong or you might be wrong, but do what is safe for you and other drivers on the roads, afterall we need to use the term IPDE (Identify, Predict, Decide, Execute) when driving.


[deleted] OP t1_j0ujsm9 wrote

The posted speed limit on Eddie Dowling highway is 40mph.

edit: its actually 35 in some spots according to google maps street view.

speed limits are not a suggestion... they are an agreed upon speed that everyone can travel safely. how is a random driver supposed to know that you like driving 75 in a 55. they cannot. so, the sign says travel "x" speed. do that. everyone can agree to that.


Nighthawk9997 t1_j0ukvat wrote

35mph? On the 147? I know there's construction on it but 35mph? I see people in Altimas driving 50mph on Charles Street! 35 on Eddie I have never seen a single person driving 35 or something less than 55 on Eddie Dowling hwy, I don't know man these laws are dated when people used to ride horses with wagons.


[deleted] OP t1_j0um147 wrote

it's 146A actually... and yes. it's 35mph on the split toward Woonsocket/Walmart/Lowes. Street-View shows a 45MPH marker further down after the light. It doesn't turn to 55mph (going left at the split) until well after the corner of the split, to which it stays 55 until you hit the MA/RI border.

You can argue this until you're blue in the font here, but the truth is you are the reason this article happened. Please. Just slow down and follow the real existing road rules. You are far less of a danger following the speed limit than you are driving to pass everyone. End of story.


Nighthawk9997 t1_j0umw5u wrote

Again you do you, and just keep the left lane clear, you want me to go 45 on the 147 so someone total my car and it would be completely my fault, could you please tell me when you travel on the 147 so I avoid it?


Nighthawk9997 t1_j0up0z8 wrote

Me car has a built-in GPS I could also see construction zones, school zones, and traffic cameras, but to hell with technology you said 35mph on the Sayles split and 45mph on the 147, let the semi total my car I love insurance claims!


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j0uslxq wrote

That dude wasn't right for flipping out but if you're in the left lane and there's someone behind you, you should be moving over. That's not "for nothing", that's "you were being kind of an asshole and ignoring basic highway etiquette"


BostonRevolutionary t1_j0v9d8n wrote

To clarify the law states that "Any vehicle travelling at less than the normal speed of traffic, shall be driven in the right hand lane." The law doesn't indicate speed because statistics have shown that consistent traffic flow, even traffic at higher speeds is safer than causing drivers to weave in and out of traffic to maintain a constant speed.

I can't find the actual law because the RI website is a shitshow, but her is a news article in regards to the subject where a man was ticketed for driving too slowly in the left lane.


[deleted] OP t1_j0vb9ot wrote

Ya I remember that. I don't trust stories like this anymore because it smells like someone trying to make a headline instead of proving a point.

There are laws that say, "assume this speed in the type of area unless otherwise posted". If you read the rest of this stupid thread, I found the Rhode Island general laws on road rules.

It cites tickets for anything 1 or more miles per hour over the posted limit there will be a fine. "Prima Facie" limits are speed limits assumed until posted.

If driving over the LIMIT is legal, then why would we even post it (limit is part of the term as in DO NOT EXCEED)? What's the point of a speed limit in the first place? I feel like this argument/question nullifies everything in this entire thread.


BostonRevolutionary t1_j0vdeaf wrote

Found it:


"Upon all roadways any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic, or as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway, except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway. Violations of this section are subject to fines enumerated in § 31-41.1-4."

Driving over the legal limit is permissible not completely legal, it is because a vehicle driving 10 MPH slower than the prevailing speed are six times as likely to be involved in an accident. The law is to encourage slower drivers to move their vehicles over to accommodate faster traffic. While I understand that this may feel frustrating to you, the law is the law. If you are driving in the left most lane and a vehicle moving faster than you catches up, you by law must move your vehicle over and allow them to pass. Forcing them to pass on the right generates an even more unsafe conditions as well as the potential for increased traffic.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j0vfks8 wrote

Oh so this is on the 2 lane stretch? I take back what I said. The other driver was kind and merciful for not taking vengeance on you.

If you can't move up enough where it's easy to get over and out of the way when someone comes up behind you, you shouldn't be entering the left lane at all.


[deleted] OP t1_j0vg9bq wrote

that still doesn't justify traveling way over speed limits. the same argument can be made for anyone traveling well over the limit. And if you look at it that way, those traveling over the limit are usually in a margin far greater than those travel at or below the limit. They are the minority danger.

In theory, if you are passing someone, you are the one the odd ball out.

driving fast just wastes gas, wares out your car, and you save mere seconds in time all while endangering people. what's so bad about putting on the cruise control at the limit and just sitting on that? Why must people drive so fucking fast?!?!?!


BostonRevolutionary t1_j0vh7zz wrote

Speculation and theory are all fine but they are already nullified by the law. If you really want to understand why these and other laws create exceptions like this, I would start doing research on the subject. And if you wish to change the slow poke laws to coincide with your theories than I would suggest gathering data for review. But as it stands these are the laws they have in place and to save yourself a ticket or worse an accident, I would recommend keeping to the slow lanes.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j0vk8s8 wrote

And if someone is in the left lane looking to do 11 or more mph above the speed limit, it is your responsibility to move over and just let them.

If you 're not able to handle that responsibility, that's fine. Just stay out of the left lane. You're not built for it. Unless you're a cop, you're not the arbiter of how fast everyone else can go. You should be treating any vehicle behind you in the left lane like an ambulance. Move over and get out of the way.


Independent-Area-552 t1_j0z7zi8 wrote

The worst driver is known to mankind you can’t merge for shit and for some reason or another you people love driving with your lights off at night I count at least 8 to 10 cars a night with no lights on you’re going to kill somebody what the fuck is wrong with you people


Independent-Area-552 t1_j0z9hyl wrote

It’s the RMV, and obviously the police that do not enforce the law. There is no way people are rode, tested the correct way, and there is no way the police are enforcing the law because I see it every day. I’ve only lived in Rhode Island for one year and I cannot believe how pathetic it is here it is crazy. What the hell are they waiting for more people to die because of stupidity?


Nighthawk9997 t1_j0zasyv wrote

Have you taken the driving test in Rhode island, it's really funny, an old man comes and sits with you in the front seat then he asks you to check your mirrors and seat position then he will tell you to drive out of the parking lot and it's all in the city, he would say take a left turn, a right turn, U turn, and park that's it you passed here's your license go kill people. If the driving test was the same as the one used in New York, 50% of the people would fail!