Submitted by treehugger420696969 t3_ztqmab in RhodeIsland
Specifically do you work remotely part-of-the-time from your house in RI then work in Massachusetts for part of the week?
If so, and you make ≈33$/hr, do you mind telling me what you paid in taxes for 2021?
PigpenMcKernan t1_j1f1brv wrote
My wife and I work in MA but live in RI. She is remote and occasionally goes to her office in MA. I go to work in MA every day.
If you live in one state but work in another, usually the state you physically work in takes out your deductions then you file in both states but only pay in whichever state you would owe more in. You might get a refund, you might owe. This is what I have to do.
Because my wife is classified as remote, even though her employer and office after in MA, she only has to file in RI.
I believe that if you have a set schedule, say 1/4 of your days in the office and the remaining 3/4 remote, you have to file in both states and your employer will have to do the same. This was a big factor in my wife’s employer making her 100% remote.
We won’t file jointly this year but probably will next year. We’ll also probably hire an accountant at that point.