Submitted by mountain_pose t3_zufi4b in RhodeIsland
Distinct-Ad5751 t1_j1itvzd wrote
It was tradition in my house growing up, but the Christmas Eve Feast of Seven Fishes is the main event now.
pthack103 t1_j1itzht wrote
Must’ve never visited Whoville
hifidesert t1_j1ivewf wrote
I really like how they change these signs up.
polarityofmarriage t1_j1iyld3 wrote
I’ll peep that tomorrow on my way down from northern MA I guess. 🤭
esquilax t1_j1j2291 wrote
Do you want a PETA protest in the highway? Because this is how you get a PETA protest in the highway.
chip008 t1_j1j345b wrote
He himself, The Grinch will be carving it!
chip008 t1_j1j36q6 wrote
The DOT must have a ball writing these.
glass_star t1_j1jctso wrote
It’s a reference to The Grinch though
BoSocks91 t1_j1jehnm wrote
I thought I was trippin when I was reading that, I did a triple take.
JoshTheMadtitan t1_j1jj4ii wrote
I saw pne in portsmouth the other day refrencing festivus and the "airing of grievances"
Simon_Jester88 t1_j1k9el6 wrote
It's 15 degrees boss
EliBruins63 t1_j1kmlb8 wrote
That was still up today when I drove by it lol
thentangler t1_j1ku017 wrote
I love roast beast!
SnooWords4839 t1_j1l04ut wrote
NJ is jealous Dept of Transportation ordered NJ not to have funny road signs.
Nervous_Invite_4661 t1_j1ldm1w wrote
Yeah, because it’s distracting; people were tweeting and video recording them. I disagree, though. The funny messages help people remember safety rules.
InevitableDecision66 t1_j1lkvwz wrote
i saw this and thought they were covering their bases. maybe you have turkey. beef, duck, chicken. roast beast covers all those bases.
LiarVonCakely t1_j1lw2ec wrote
They're a little distracting but so are billboards. And while people shouldn't take pictures while driving, it also makes the sign way more effective if people share it or talk about it.
I'd argue it's gotta be a net positive over having repeated generic messages no one pays attention to.
Vaublode t1_j1lxbsd wrote
And boiled goose
Havenshine t1_j1mbstk wrote
LonLonhoe t1_j1miano wrote
That’s awesome 😂
mountain_pose OP t1_j1irx09 wrote
spotted on rt 4 south, didn’t realize roast beast is a holiday tradition