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thatgotmegood OP t1_j32kja8 wrote

Thanks! Just ordered a pair of Summits last night. I did look at RVL8s but ultimately went with the Summits.

I rode them about 10ish years ago as an alternative to being a buffoon in longer skis and really liked them. That’s really all there is to it. I was surprised to see how much distaste there is for them, just chatting with stores around here.


EmotionalBrontosaur t1_j32m0ue wrote

Awesome! Have fun (and go join SBOL; several NE people active, last so checked). Most people think Skiboards (wood core, sidewall) = Snowblades (foam core, junk edge); that’s usually the issue.

Be prepared to chat on every chairlift about them! They do get quite a few double-takes and inquiries.


thatgotmegood OP t1_j32mu0l wrote

Ahhh. Definitely didn’t cheap out on them haha. Thanks so much for the advice!