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sbaz86 t1_j5tmpyv wrote

Thanks, I had no idea. I always did the checklist, if you flashed your headlights at me I of coarse check my headlights first, then my speed for police, then all my surroundings. If I’m letting a semi out/in, I never counted, just always assumed the communication was understood.


degggendorf t1_j5tn46e wrote

Evidently it's a controversial opinion of mine, so YMMV. Seems like people have a lot of strong opinions on the topic.


sbaz86 t1_j5tovs8 wrote

I think it’s interesting. I have enough going on in my life to worry if I flashed too many times or not enough or whatever code, but I do find it interesting. We are all different people with different ideas, I appreciate your input weather I use it or not, so thank you. None of us will ever please all of us.