Submitted by Sopressata t3_10aalwz in RhodeIsland
Dopey-NipNips t1_j43ro63 wrote
I want to take my kids to see a derby or whatever a match is called
Lfg when does the season start
[deleted] t1_j43rvz2 wrote
Sopressata OP t1_j43ry3x wrote
So right now PRD is a little too small (we lost a lot of members during Covid) to have a full game schedule. We are hoping to be having bouts (games) in late summer. I’ll be posting all that stuff here when we have it!
Dopey-NipNips t1_j440mpk wrote
OK well if we show don't say shit about reddit I'm gonna lie if anyone asks ill say I heard about it on the news or something
Don't make it weird is all I'm saying roller derby is badass though I got a old aquantaince that used to compete back before covid when the league was really happening
Sopressata OP t1_j441ch4 wrote
We have a social media presence everywhere. I’ll be putting flyers up in shops all around the state don’t worry. You’ll have plenty of other places to blame besides Reddit ;)
[deleted] t1_j460abu wrote
Sopressata OP t1_j460kgi wrote
Some of our best players are mid 30s!
demon-dance t1_j466kvs wrote
oooo I've never tried but think it'd be so fun! generally, are the open practices welcoming to newbies, or whats the vibe?
Sopressata OP t1_j46750s wrote
We have a portion of practice that new people with skates will get coaching from one of the veterans, separate from the veteran skaters. This is just to help folks learn without being thrown in.
They’re also there to answer questions you may have.
Edit: vibe is chill. Mostly just adults who want to skate and have fun. We are not uber competitive and our reputation amongst other derby teams is “solid kind folks who play well” we are known as a very down to earth and respectable team on the track.
[deleted] t1_j46e5r9 wrote
kingbowser313 t1_j46hgb9 wrote
Is there a way to rent skates for someone totally new to try it out or do you need to have your own?
Sopressata OP t1_j46ia41 wrote
Right now we don’t have rentals available (it’s my personal mission to change that) but, sometimes veterans have extra pairs they’ll loan out for practice, if they fit.
Otherwise there are fb groups like roller derby recyclables that you can buy and sell gear.
demon-dance t1_j47g6ic wrote
tight! maybe I'll come through, thank you :)
oh last question - do I need to bring my own skates/gear for the practice or is there any way to borrow some?
Sopressata OP t1_j47hkfb wrote
You might be able to borrow some, but I cannot promise. If you want to wait for an “off skates” info session we should have one coming in February.
If you’d like to just come by and ask a couple questions you can, if you have your own skates feel free to join!
demon-dance t1_j4deqdp wrote
sweet thank you! appreciate all the info!
Sopressata OP t1_j433ld6 wrote
Practices are open to everyone! We will have proper information sessions for new folks in a few weeks and if you want information on that you can message me or keep an eye here for that.