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dupattaluella t1_j4wlu7t wrote

You're probably going to have to call them. Do you get breaks during the day?


uwuwotsdps42069 OP t1_j4wmhky wrote

I do taxes, so no not during this time of year lol


dupattaluella t1_j4wna6r wrote

Are you paid hourly or are you salaried?


uwuwotsdps42069 OP t1_j4wno3c wrote

Salary lol


Yogurtsamples t1_j4wws9m wrote

Even salaried employees get bathroom and lunch breaks. Last time I called Rhode Island energy I got through in a few minutes and it was like 7pm on a Friday and it was a question about my bill. I think you’ll find time.


uwuwotsdps42069 OP t1_j4wxrjh wrote

Yeah I was able to squeeze in a Call to them a little while ago. Was expecting a much longer wait time on hold.


dupattaluella t1_j4wph6f wrote

Then, yeah, you're screwed for now. Maybe your boss would understand and give you time off if you explained the issue. Otherwise, you'll have to wait.