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[deleted] t1_j5es5pn wrote

I don’t know how the elderly on fixed incomes are doing it they’re going to have to choose between eating or heating. This is brutal, but people keep voting the same way and expect a different outcome is literally the definition of insanity. Our leaders don’t care we’re cattle they need our tax money, and clearly no one wants to fix the energy crisis, which would be easily fixed if we opened up the United States capacity to create energy. But that’s not gonna happen for another at least two years. Economies going off the cliff it’s like eight or nine bucks for eggs I live in Warwick I’d buy a chicken if I could they won’t let us. I have a wood stove and natural gas we’ve been running the woodstove and our bills still double what it should be.


thentangler OP t1_j5esqub wrote

Exactly! And they don’t allow you to have chickens in Warwick? My friend has a chicken run at his place in Attleboro and I thought Warwick was more country that Attleboro… that’s so lame that they won’t let you have chickens there.


[deleted] t1_j5et8u7 wrote

No we can’t have chicken coups in Warwick but Coventry or Exeter you can. Anyway your right I’ve been using my wood stove nightly and still my gas bill is double it’s unbelievable that people are ok with this. Most people I know are not but if you blame the administration or any leaders you get censored or outright banned on Reddit. Doesn’t matter if you’re Republican or Democrat we’re all getting hit the same way in the pocketbook hard. I have upvoted you, but just give it time. You will have negative votes in no time don’t dare to question why energy is high. You made a good post. This is a big problem for people who don’t make a lot of money or who are low income or on fixed income or people who may lose your job as this recession continues. Good luck to you.