Submitted by Jesse_Coker t3_127hjc9
Submitted by SwagKing1011 t3_127wkim
Submitted by liliumsuperstar t3_127o58j
Mass shootings in the US since 2009. A mass shooting is defined as any incident in which four or more people are shot and killed. Since 2009, there have been 306 mass shootings, resulting in 1710 people shot and killed and 1087 people shot and wounded. ---NONE IN RHODE ISLAND!
Submitted by wyzapped t3_125tl4p
Submitted by Professional-Ask-630 t3_127xjo7
Submitted by GhostOpera406 t3_127m2ti
Submitted by Many-Froyo9699 t3_11vlspv
Submitted by SalivatingMoron t3_126qbs8
Submitted by RandomRhody t3_126wa4i
Submitted by Imjusthereforgossip3 t3_126mkxc
Submitted by TransitionSea9480 t3_1255grj
Submitted by TheRhodeIslandFamily t3_126z20p
Submitted by kamikazekenny420 t3_126xjay
Submitted by sneakyben t3_126nndr
Submitted by trashgirl1986 t3_125kfpg
Submitted by nines99 t3_125ngp3
Submitted by therealDrA t3_125rlhr
Submitted by Jesse_Coker t3_125n2zl
Submitted by boulevardofdef t3_125wfz1
Submitted by becomingelle t3_125ww9d