Recent comments in /f/RhodeIsland

Proof-Variation7005 t1_je9xmq9 wrote

>That doesn’t matter. California has much stricter gun laws and there have been plenty of shootings there. One thing we have learned is that these shootings happen all over the country. Stricter gun laws via state doesn’t change much at all

Ultimately, the solution has to be federal and every super lax state can and will undermine the stricter laws. States surrounded by likeminded states, like us, do benefit from that collective mindset making it that much tougher. RI's gun laws benefit from NY/NJ/CT/MA being strong too.

Outside of Alaska and Hawaii, every state's laws are always gun law efficacy is going to be limited by its neighbors. That being said, i strongly disagree with the implication that state level laws are somehow not effective or useless. That's disingenuous logic and usually only invoked as an excuse for inaction.

And FWIW, California ranks 44th in gun deaths per capita. There's still room for improvement but the states with notoriously lax gun laws in the country see a LOT more violence. Their neighbor Arizona has an F rating from most gun control advocacy groups and their firearm death rate is over twice as high as California.


Jordan_Ingram t1_je9vthq wrote

As a 33 year old who was homeschooled by good parents who did their best and I can definitely say that homeschooling is not the answer. I made out pretty well with my upbringing and have a solid job, wife, house and relative success. I also have depression, social anxiety, isolating behavior, and the 7 years of therapy I've had will continue for the foreseeable future. I can function just fine in society and am the best case scenario. Check out r/HomeschoolRecovery for several thousand more reasons not to choose that path.

The problem with homeschooling is the same problem with guns. Morons and nutcases think they can handle the responsibility.

But. Can't.

We all know what the answer is. Let's stop pretending.


Accurate-Historian-7 t1_je9r53j wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in School safety by Imjusthereforgossip3

That doesn’t matter. California has much stricter gun laws and there have been plenty of shootings there. One thing we have learned is that these shootings happen all over the country. Stricter gun laws via state doesn’t change much at all


No_Establishment_490 t1_je9oh2m wrote

I’m assuming they’re including things like a Worcester shooting in 2020 where 6 people were shot - no one died. Which just helps prove the point that states w strict gun control laws prevent more deadly events.

There have been significant mass shootings in MA, but they don’t coincide with the dates that this map claims. It’s hard to fact check this map, it seems.


degggendorf t1_je9kofl wrote


degggendorf t1_je9kikw wrote

> In the case of RI the local PD can deny the sale if the person doesn’t have a criminal history, but is known to have issues that haven’t involved arrest

Is there any public info about how often that happens?

Anecdotally, I have heard about different town's police captains (or maybe town charters or something?) and whether they subscribe to a "shall issue" or "may issue" philosophy; like, whether the police just rubber stamp applications, or if they do actual vetting.

But that's also second-hand likely-misremembered info too, which is why I'm interested to learn more/be corrected.


degggendorf t1_je9j1ta wrote

Through the NewsBank database that I have access to through my local library, there is a full-image archive of the paper ProJo from 2017, or full text from 1980. I don't see any archive for pre-1980.

If you call either your library or one in Providence, they might be able to help you though...this is the funner part of their job.


DeanOMiite t1_je9hr5n wrote

I was walking with my daughter in our neighborhood the other day and she counted thirty of these things in about a hundred foot stretch. We live in a quiet neighborhood, nothing around but single family homes, an assisted living facility, and a farm. She thought they were hand sanitizer.