Recent comments in /f/RhodeIsland
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jea98rk wrote
Reply to School safety by Imjusthereforgossip3
Well, government has security for every government facility under the sun… except for… you guessed it all government school buildings. The government does provide the schools with a sign however, that advertises it as a “gun free zone”. Notice how this hasn’t changed? Makes you wonder…
mightyatom4761 t1_jea97mz wrote
Reply to Mass shootings in the US since 2009. A mass shooting is defined as any incident in which four or more people are shot and killed. Since 2009, there have been 306 mass shootings, resulting in 1710 people shot and killed and 1087 people shot and wounded. ---NONE IN RHODE ISLAND! by wyzapped
Maybe we just have bad aim….
sbaz86 t1_jea8f4i wrote
Reply to comment by HighPlainsDrifting in Mass shootings in the US since 2009. A mass shooting is defined as any incident in which four or more people are shot and killed. Since 2009, there have been 306 mass shootings, resulting in 1710 people shot and killed and 1087 people shot and wounded. ---NONE IN RHODE ISLAND! by wyzapped
Yes sir, I’m sorry, you’re correct. Still, I’d like to see the numbers on that. I disagree, I think gang members kill within their own “world”, these mass shootings to my knowledge aren’t gang members. I can’t really recall any of them being gang members actually. Sorry for the mistake earlier.
whitman_littlefield t1_jea8cdp wrote
Reply to Does anyone know how I can access archived issues of the Providence Journal? Im looking for an article from March of 1974 by HunkaHunkaBerningCow
The providence public library has scans of all of our issues. Or you can subscribe to an online news service called, they also have copies of all the issues online.
pirategaspard t1_jea7ypd wrote
Reply to Providence by sneakyben
Great shot
SNES_Punk t1_jea7l55 wrote
Reply to comment by darkrom in Rhode Island's Tim White to become first referee inducted into WWE Hall of Fame by boulevardofdef
I'm not a fan of the indies at all, but we have Renegade Wrestling Alliance and RIWA.
Bonus, there is a live indie wrestling event on April 30th at Proclamation Ale Company with ticket prices around $15
darkrom t1_jea6yhm wrote
Reply to comment by SNES_Punk in Rhode Island's Tim White to become first referee inducted into WWE Hall of Fame by boulevardofdef
You have me curious, what niche indie feds here? I haven't even let myself venture off into AEW, WWE is enough for me as far as time commitment goes, but indie is a whole different breed.
zjanderson t1_jea6lvw wrote
Reply to School safety by Imjusthereforgossip3
I’ve been looking into bulletproof backpacks. Sure wish the cost could be subsidized in some way whether that be a tax write-off or flat out paid for by the government.
Proof-Variation7005 t1_jea5rwl wrote
Reply to comment by Imjusthereforgossip3 in School safety by Imjusthereforgossip3
>It helps to a point but it still doesn’t stop a teen from taking the weapon their parents obtained legally. Or from someone driving across state lines.
I think pretty much any steps done in the name of security can be described that way. Locking your front door can help to a point but won't guarantee you won't get robbed. All that TSA bullshit at airports helps make it harder to hijack or blow up a plane but it's not impossible. Having a complex unique password can help you not get hacked but it still can happen, etc, etc.
The only blanket stuff that's guaranteed to be effective are pipe-dream ideas that are just impossible in modern american society. Even the most fervent gun-haters who wish we could melt em all down and outlaw them aren't stupid enough to think there's any chance of that happening.
I think the only people who really believe in the plausibility of that kind of scenario are the ones who use their paranoia as justification to oppose every common sense restriction that the majority of the country supports like federalizing standards and making it so states with shitty gun laws aren't the source of weapons in states with tougher gun laws.
[deleted] t1_jea5kwk wrote
Reply to School safety by Imjusthereforgossip3
SNES_Punk t1_jea527z wrote
Reply to comment by darkrom in Rhode Island's Tim White to become first referee inducted into WWE Hall of Fame by boulevardofdef
Strangely enough, aside from that and the wrestling school in Woonsocket and a few very niche indie feds, I don't know that RI has much in terms of wrestling-related things to do.
darkrom t1_jea4rkh wrote
Reply to comment by SNES_Punk in Rhode Island's Tim White to become first referee inducted into WWE Hall of Fame by boulevardofdef
It does. Anything else? It’s unfortunate they don’t sell tours or anything in CT at the HQ
SNES_Punk t1_jea4qd3 wrote
Reply to Wrights vs. Village Haven by becomingelle
Wrights is vastly overrated.
ChuckM4 t1_jea4lmx wrote
Reply to School safety by Imjusthereforgossip3
This is a pretty complicated situation and unfortunately it seems like logical and rational discussions are rarely held on these forums anymore. I definitely don’t have all the answers, but I am objective and I can use some critical thinking. Gun Laws are pretty strict in this country and I know people will say it’s not true, but it is. And let’s not compare ourselves to other countries like the UK or Australia who don’t allow guns at all as benchmarks for comparison. Because we for sure have more gun related incidents, but they have a proportional amount of knife/blade related incidents to their population. The amount of firearms in circulation in this country is staggering but the fact that our numbers aren’t higher is a testament to solid laws, owner rights and practices. Now I worked in local gun shop in this state for little bit so I gained some additional incite. In RI you’re required to take a basic firearm safety course provided by DEM in order to purchase a pistol. The test is multiple choice but isn’t something anybody off the street can just wing it. It covers proper firearm safety, nomenclature, and storage. Once the test is completed the gun shop sends it to DEM where it can take several weeks to be scored. It’s a pass or fail test. You’ll know you passed if you receive your “Blue Card” in the mail. Until then we wouldn’t even let you touch a pistol in the shop. Now that’s to buy a pistol. To buy a rifle in this country you have to be at least 18 (although I think they may have passed some bills to up that age to 21 recently). This is an area that for sure could use some tightening up, because this is where the “assault weapon” class is. And theres plenty to debate on both sides of what is and what isn’t an “assault weapon” what an “automatic” (a firearm that shoots continuously while the trigger is held) and “semi-automatic” ( a firearm that shoots one round when the trigger is pulled and has to be released in order to fire again) essentially every known firearm today are semiautomatic. Automatic firearms are banned entirely in most states and even if the state allowed (which RI does not) the cost to own one of these is unrealistic for most of us. Do I think 18 year olds with no formal gun training be allowed to purchase any type of firearm and the answer is no. I don’t think you should let someone without any driving experience get behind the wheel of car for the first time because they turned 16 either, but at least they have a permitting process for the car. There is nothing like that for firearms. And I know the Bill of Rights protects us for a lot of what we have that other counties don’t, but I think in this area we could add some realistic training expectations. I’m definitely not for abolishing gun rights in this country. So in RI and every other state that I’m aware of you have to be 18/21+, (have a “Blue Card” for pistol purchases) can pass a local law enforcement background check conducted by the State Troopers, and pass a federal background check in order to purchase a pistol or rifle. The state background check could take a week or so and they run your name through the local LE databases to see if you are or have ever been arrested, charged, or under active investigation for a violent crime. Automatically disqualifies you from owning a firearm. The federal check does the same thing except at the federal law enforcement level (FBI, ATF,DEA etc). Those checks used to come back pretty quick. If you made it though all those checks then you would be approved to pickup the firearm in 7-8 business days known as “cool down” period. And there’s some other areas where the wait period is decreased due to military status, law enforcement/first responder, or you have a conceal carry permit. Those all have their vetting process in addition to the other background checks. I know this wasn’t part of the discussion topic but I wanted to outline the process of gun ownership in the state to show that it isn’t as easy to get your hands on a firearm as easy as the media makes it out to be…legally. Illegally I wouldn’t know but could assume there isn’t too many checks and balances in place. To answer the question about school safety is no I don’t feel 100 percent confident. I have 2 school aged kids that we are highly considering on homeschooling for various reasons but this being a big point in the decision process. At minimum there should be 1-2 school Resource officers on site at all times. Even having a police car parked outside of a school is enough of a deterrent. As proved by this recent school shooting where according to local police departments the shooter choose the school due to the decreased security as the first choice had too much security. We pay a crazy amount in state taxes for dumb shit honestly, the least we could do is spend some of it on our kids safety. Lastly we need to be having conversations about the uncomfortable elephants in the room too. We seem to be having an uptick in mental health concerns as contributing factors to these incidents and to say that’s not it and that’s it’s the gun fault then we will never work towards a solution. No person who is mentally sound shoots kids. We don’t tolerate it anywhere else in the world but for some reason here we can’t admit that it plays a big part of the problem. These conversations need to be taking place at our local towns and cities level. We can’t expect the government to solve our problems and nor should we. We need civil discourse to achieve solutions. Starts in our communities.
SNES_Punk t1_jea4l7x wrote
Reply to comment by darkrom in Rhode Island's Tim White to become first referee inducted into WWE Hall of Fame by boulevardofdef
Tim White was the owner of The Friendly Tap if that counts.
SNES_Punk t1_jea416y wrote
Reply to comment by geffe71 in Mass shootings in the US since 2009. A mass shooting is defined as any incident in which four or more people are shot and killed. Since 2009, there have been 306 mass shootings, resulting in 1710 people shot and killed and 1087 people shot and wounded. ---NONE IN RHODE ISLAND! by wyzapped
CA has the 7th lowest rate for gun violence in the country. 9 out of the top 10 states ranked for highest gun violence are red states while 10 out of the top 10 ranked for lowest gun violence are blue states.
Not saying this is a Republican issue, but...wait, yes I am. Scumbag republican lawmakers have the power to change that but they wont.
cowperthwaite t1_jea3ph4 wrote
Reply to Does anyone know how I can access archived issues of the Providence Journal? Im looking for an article from March of 1974 by HunkaHunkaBerningCow
Also using Newsbank, it looks like I can search articles (although not whole pages) from the projo from March 1974.
What's the exact date? Article title? Keywords? About?
However, I second the suggestion to ask the library as well.
howsyourlife t1_jea3d8g wrote
Reply to comment by hawtdawtz in Would you buy a house in RI right now? Why or why not? by TransitionSea9480
Transplants, typically from MA CA NY TX, who wfh and don't bat an eye paying above asking or engaging in bidding wars. These are usually the same people who would shit on RI constantly before Covid as being boring, uneducated, nothing to do, not progressive or diverse enough, etc. Now they're gushing about OMG how much they love living in cute artsy RI (especially the East Side) and avoiding the "rat race" and commute of the HCOL city they were infatuated with just a few years prior.
ghostmanonfourth t1_jea28xs wrote
Reply to comment by noungning in Wrights vs. Village Haven by becomingelle
you have to have the nostalgia of growing up going there tbh
ghostmanonfourth t1_jea251u wrote
Reply to Wrights vs. Village Haven by becomingelle
I think Wrights has better fries… but the new owners at Village Haven are killing it with everything else (which pains me to admit coming from a Wrights family)
karnim t1_jea21jb wrote
Reply to comment by beerspeaks in Breeze Airways opens base of operations in Rhode Island by therealDrA
When the actual plane ticket is half the price and doesn't have connections, it is.
[deleted] t1_jea0n24 wrote
Reply to Mass shootings in the US since 2009. A mass shooting is defined as any incident in which four or more people are shot and killed. Since 2009, there have been 306 mass shootings, resulting in 1710 people shot and killed and 1087 people shot and wounded. ---NONE IN RHODE ISLAND! by wyzapped
Jordan_Ingram t1_jea0fjt wrote
Reply to comment by Imjusthereforgossip3 in School safety by Imjusthereforgossip3
Thanks for being open to it. While I don't want to outright bash homeschooling because I do think my parents did their best, their motivation to protect us from the world had consequences too. As much as folks like to freak out about CRT, LGBTQ+ rights and ban books, I think there's a lack of awareness around what happens when your knowledge base is riddled with gaps due to improper education. The result is always ignorance and almost never children being protected.
beerspeaks t1_je9zda3 wrote
Reply to comment by karnim in Breeze Airways opens base of operations in Rhode Island by therealDrA
Parking off site and taking a bus ride that could be in excess of 30 minutes to the airport is not the endorsement that you think it is.
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jeaa0kj wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in School safety by Imjusthereforgossip3
Effective gun laws? Did you know the woman in Tennessee had no prior criminal record and passed her background check with flying colors? The truth is firearm laws many of which are unconstitutional do very little in stopping crime. Because people with criminal intent unfortunately don’t follow any laws what so ever. The best thing about our gun laws is a law abiding citizen can still own a firearm and protect themselves against criminal intent, for the time being anyway.