Recent comments in /f/RhodeIsland
qwertyasdf123459 t1_jec4t8g wrote
Reply to It's been years.... by kamikazekenny420
For the price they charge, I hope they come with one of those get out of a ticket poker chip things
cowperthwaite t1_jec4l0g wrote
Reply to Income tax? by TheRhodeIslandFamily
"within two to three weeks" was the official line from the state when I wrote about this in February.
Here are people sharing their experiences after I posted that story to this sub:
SNES_Punk t1_jec376j wrote
Reply to comment by Desperate_Expert_952 in Mass shootings in the US since 2009. A mass shooting is defined as any incident in which four or more people are shot and killed. Since 2009, there have been 306 mass shootings, resulting in 1710 people shot and killed and 1087 people shot and wounded. ---NONE IN RHODE ISLAND! by wyzapped
Rather than being passive-aggressive. Would you care to explain the complexities behind this? Because to me it sounds like the step in the right direction is either banning civilians from possession of guns, or require mental and physical testing, insurance, and quarterly accountability reports.
johnnyrockets527 t1_jec31l6 wrote
Reply to comment by therealtyrrell in Providence by sneakyben
therealtyrrell t1_jec1y2k wrote
Reply to comment by Cragwalker in Providence by sneakyben
HunkaHunkaBerningCow OP t1_jebztmc wrote
Reply to comment by virginiaveritas in Does anyone know how I can access archived issues of the Providence Journal? Im looking for an article from March of 1974 by HunkaHunkaBerningCow
Fortunately I was able to find an NTSB report(Im researching a plane that crashed in Swansea MA in 1974) which gave me a date. I was able to use newsbank through one of the libraries to find the article
virginiaveritas t1_jeby6hi wrote
Reply to Does anyone know how I can access archived issues of the Providence Journal? Im looking for an article from March of 1974 by HunkaHunkaBerningCow
Go to your local library in Massachusetts and ask them for help. They will contact Providence Public Library and pass on the information and relevant dates. PPL will scan the article and send it to your library and they will pass it on to you. If your library is not able to do this for you, contact PPL directly at and politely ask for help. Include as much information you have about the article you are looking for. Libraries prefer working with other librarians, so definitely try your local library first.
Cragwalker t1_jebxfi6 wrote
Reply to Providence by sneakyben
virginiaveritas t1_jebxa8d wrote
Reply to Income tax? by TheRhodeIslandFamily
We met with our tax guy yesterday and he said we could expect the check in 5-6 weeks. If you filed in February, the turnaround was 5 days.
I don't know what we're going to do when he retires. I love how much my tax guy loves doing taxes.
newbiePVD t1_jebwezs wrote
Reply to comment by newbiePVD in School safety by Imjusthereforgossip3
that is a safe storage of guns & ammo bill in legislature
Desperate_Expert_952 t1_jebvrv1 wrote
Reply to comment by SNES_Punk in Mass shootings in the US since 2009. A mass shooting is defined as any incident in which four or more people are shot and killed. Since 2009, there have been 306 mass shootings, resulting in 1710 people shot and killed and 1087 people shot and wounded. ---NONE IN RHODE ISLAND! by wyzapped
Nice way to reduce a very complex problem to not only a reductive simplistic look at it with zero depth but also political argument. Sweet good work!
newbiePVD t1_jebunpj wrote
Reply to School safety by Imjusthereforgossip3
Many share your concerns but it feels better to do something about it. Keeping gun violence out of schools & decreasing it in the community takes effort. Suggest Also Moms Demand Action-RI on facebook. Right now an Assault Weapons Ban (They are increasingly being used in mass school shootings) and a Safe Gun & Ammo bill are waiting in the state legislature. They need our support. All my empathy to the concerned parents. How can can the kids of RI concentrate on their schooling & enjoy life if they don't feel safe?
Melicope t1_jebr7xj wrote
Reply to comment by vanlife22 in 85,000 tossed nips in Rhode Island collected in 90 days. by trashgirl1986
I want to know this too. It seems like Rhode Island (and a little bit MA and CT) is the only state really talking about the issue.
hollibomb t1_jebq0rd wrote
Reply to Reptile vets in RI? by SalivatingMoron
Look up the odd pet vet. Well, he’s in Waltham? But he is amazing and treats all the weird varied animals regular vets don’t regularly care for.
zjanderson t1_jebpzto wrote
Reply to Community Service Help by RandomRhody
Save the Bay, Habitat for Humanity are good places to look.
FrankCobretti t1_jebpdqn wrote
Reply to Reptile vets in RI? by SalivatingMoron
Aw, man. I thought this post was going to be about lizard people who served in OIF / OEF.
slightlydENTed t1_jebm8sv wrote
Reply to Providence by sneakyben
GhostOpera406 OP t1_jebjchf wrote
Reply to comment by quahaug1945 in Progressive Reforms: Speaker Shekarchi Addresses Reproductive Rights and Innovative Housing Solutions by GhostOpera406
Ensuring that it is covered by state-funded health insurance, whether you are a state employee or on Medicaid.
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jebiqy0 wrote
Reply to comment by Proof-Variation7005 in School safety by Imjusthereforgossip3
Didn’t the school resource office in Parkland hide outside? A lot of good that did eh?
Rhody1964 t1_jebidjv wrote
Reply to Does anyone know how I can access archived issues of the Providence Journal? Im looking for an article from March of 1974 by HunkaHunkaBerningCow
RI state archives maybe?
quahaug1945 t1_jebi395 wrote
Reply to Progressive Reforms: Speaker Shekarchi Addresses Reproductive Rights and Innovative Housing Solutions by GhostOpera406
Abortion is totally legal in Rhode Island; what are the hearings about?
kamikazekenny420 t1_jebi2sd wrote
Reply to Community Service Help by RandomRhody
It has been years for me, but when I was in a similar situation I went to my local YMCA and did my community service hours there.
SalivatingMoron OP t1_jebgjoh wrote
Reply to comment by m2super in Reptile vets in RI? by SalivatingMoron
Thank you so much!
SalivatingMoron OP t1_jebgiya wrote
Reply to comment by glossyplane245 in Reptile vets in RI? by SalivatingMoron
Thank you for being up these comments. Much appreciated.
SNES_Punk t1_jec5fej wrote
Reply to comment by sbaz86 in Mass shootings in the US since 2009. A mass shooting is defined as any incident in which four or more people are shot and killed. Since 2009, there have been 306 mass shootings, resulting in 1710 people shot and killed and 1087 people shot and wounded. ---NONE IN RHODE ISLAND! by wyzapped
You have impeccable taste in prepackaged cookies. What's your stance on Vienna Fingers?