Recent comments in /f/RhodeIsland
Equivalent-Junket887 t1_jecvyd5 wrote
Reply to It's been years.... by kamikazekenny420
I don’t care for any RI vanity plates,RI’s stock plate is the chillest in the Union…
daymanahhhahhhhhh t1_jecv6se wrote
Reply to Income tax? by TheRhodeIslandFamily
I got mines in a week flat. It can be random. I’m still waiting on my New Jersey tax return though :/
HarveyBrent t1_jecrmzx wrote
Reply to comment by johnnyrockets527 in Providence by sneakyben
huh_phd t1_jecpxrv wrote
Reply to comment by qwertyasdf123459 in It's been years.... by kamikazekenny420
Couldn't you just peel one off of a plate in a parking lot and call it your own?
asking for a friend
huh_phd t1_jecpv9x wrote
Reply to It's been years.... by kamikazekenny420
I still want one idc about the price
Addicted2GravyTears t1_jecnlj0 wrote
Reply to It's been years.... by kamikazekenny420
Let's not degrade Mr Sanders as such. If you're dying for a vanity plate, just man up and move to the great commonwealth...or CT. We both have plates waiting.
RedditSkippy t1_jecmlty wrote
Reply to comment by iandavid in It's been years.... by kamikazekenny420
[deleted] t1_jecl1u3 wrote
Desperate_Expert_952 t1_jecjenf wrote
Reply to comment by SNES_Punk in Mass shootings in the US since 2009. A mass shooting is defined as any incident in which four or more people are shot and killed. Since 2009, there have been 306 mass shootings, resulting in 1710 people shot and killed and 1087 people shot and wounded. ---NONE IN RHODE ISLAND! by wyzapped
Let me ask you this before I respond further. “What are you trying to prevent/do/accomplish” then I can better address you. Basically what is your end game result that you want to see?
mikenice1 t1_jechni7 wrote
Reply to Providence by sneakyben
Providence: A Shadow of a City
Desperate_Expert_952 t1_jechgge wrote
Reply to comment by quahaug1945 in Progressive Reforms: Speaker Shekarchi Addresses Reproductive Rights and Innovative Housing Solutions by GhostOpera406
It whips up single issue voters and panders.
Desperate_Expert_952 t1_jecheu0 wrote
Reply to Progressive Reforms: Speaker Shekarchi Addresses Reproductive Rights and Innovative Housing Solutions by GhostOpera406
Sad but America will never have 0% homelessness or housing insecurity.
qwertyasdf123459 t1_jecha6j wrote
Reply to comment by iandavid in It's been years.... by kamikazekenny420
It's a ring toss game
iandavid t1_jecgxuo wrote
Reply to comment by qwertyasdf123459 in It's been years.... by kamikazekenny420
Nah, those require a bribe donation to the RI Fraternal Order of Police.
PuzzleheadedTest1919 t1_jecerf7 wrote
Reply to Income tax? by TheRhodeIslandFamily
Took me about three weeks.
Outrageous-Ad-2873 t1_jecel3h wrote
Reply to Providence by sneakyben
oooof thats 🔥🔥🔥🔥 took me a minute to figure out the angle wasn’t sure that shadow was really shadowing🤣🤣
SeanRobertsFerngully t1_jeccqum wrote
Reply to comment by NoellaChel in Breeze Airways opens base of operations in Rhode Island by therealDrA
Depends on lots of factors. I just went to Denmark out of Logan and took the train up early, met up with some friends and grabbed some dinner and hit a couple of bars. That was great before leaving. Coming back, I would have easily paid an extra 150 if it had meant coming back to TG green vs Logan. Landed at 5 and didn't get home til almost 10 which is a bit rough after 12 hours of travel
AhChingados t1_jecc9i0 wrote
Reply to Progressive Reforms: Speaker Shekarchi Addresses Reproductive Rights and Innovative Housing Solutions by GhostOpera406
People have been fighting for housing solutions since the 90’s. At least now they are paying attention because it is starting to hurt the “middle class” and losing voters.
redd-this t1_jecaj3n wrote
Reply to comment by kamikazekenny420 in It's been years.... by kamikazekenny420
+2 here.
newbiePVD t1_jec9v94 wrote
Reply to Mass shootings in the US since 2009. A mass shooting is defined as any incident in which four or more people are shot and killed. Since 2009, there have been 306 mass shootings, resulting in 1710 people shot and killed and 1087 people shot and wounded. ---NONE IN RHODE ISLAND! by wyzapped
It takes effort to prevent mass shootings in our schools & decrease gun violence in the community. Hope & luck is not enough. Suggest follow Moms Demand Action-RI on facebook. check
SNES_Punk t1_jec8h6s wrote
Reply to comment by sbaz86 in Mass shootings in the US since 2009. A mass shooting is defined as any incident in which four or more people are shot and killed. Since 2009, there have been 306 mass shootings, resulting in 1710 people shot and killed and 1087 people shot and wounded. ---NONE IN RHODE ISLAND! by wyzapped
I like you!
sbaz86 t1_jec81jr wrote
Reply to comment by SNES_Punk in Mass shootings in the US since 2009. A mass shooting is defined as any incident in which four or more people are shot and killed. Since 2009, there have been 306 mass shootings, resulting in 1710 people shot and killed and 1087 people shot and wounded. ---NONE IN RHODE ISLAND! by wyzapped
BOMB! All Keebler cookies, the grahams, the peanut butter dreams, fudge stripes, big fan of them all. Seems like you share the same taste, stay munching my friend.
kamikazekenny420 OP t1_jec7p71 wrote
Reply to comment by Degothia in It's been years.... by kamikazekenny420
It is insanity. They are missing out on millions in revenue. All over non sense. I have 2 cars waiting for vanity plates.
Degothia t1_jec6b4r wrote
Reply to It's been years.... by kamikazekenny420
For real though. Interesting to see the puritanical authoritarian mind set beating out the desire for extra $$ though.
kamikazekenny420 OP t1_jecw8z9 wrote
Reply to comment by iandavid in It's been years.... by kamikazekenny420
I laugh every time I have to pull one of those badges off the license plate for an inspection. I leave it in the cup holder when I'm done. Can't have anything obstructing your plate, including plate frames that every dealership puts on the vehicles they sell.