Recent comments in /f/RhodeIsland

kamikazekenny420 OP t1_jecw8z9 wrote

Reply to comment by iandavid in It's been years.... by kamikazekenny420

I laugh every time I have to pull one of those badges off the license plate for an inspection. I leave it in the cup holder when I'm done. Can't have anything obstructing your plate, including plate frames that every dealership puts on the vehicles they sell.


Desperate_Expert_952 t1_jecjenf wrote

Let me ask you this before I respond further. “What are you trying to prevent/do/accomplish” then I can better address you. Basically what is your end game result that you want to see?


Outrageous-Ad-2873 t1_jecel3h wrote

Reply to Providence by sneakyben

oooof thats 🔥🔥🔥🔥 took me a minute to figure out the angle wasn’t sure that shadow was really shadowing🤣🤣


SeanRobertsFerngully t1_jeccqum wrote

Depends on lots of factors. I just went to Denmark out of Logan and took the train up early, met up with some friends and grabbed some dinner and hit a couple of bars. That was great before leaving. Coming back, I would have easily paid an extra 150 if it had meant coming back to TG green vs Logan. Landed at 5 and didn't get home til almost 10 which is a bit rough after 12 hours of travel


newbiePVD t1_jec9v94 wrote


sbaz86 t1_jec81jr wrote