Recent comments in /f/RhodeIsland
kamikazekenny420 OP t1_jeefesg wrote
Reply to comment by Jack__Squat in It's been years.... by kamikazekenny420
It's $68 to get a vanity plate the first time, vs a boring regular plate is $32.50. Every time you have to renew your vanity plates is $120, where regular plates don't have that $120 extra, just based on vehicle weight plus a DOT charge of $15 and some random $2.50.
All from the current DMV websites "fee scedule"
techsavior t1_jeefaxu wrote
Reply to Providence by sneakyben
This picture captures how this city (and state) are in a constant state of construction.
Pvdsuccess t1_jeef8w5 wrote
That's a good one.
Chemical-Promotion14 t1_jeeegdh wrote
Reply to comment by Yelling_Jellyfish in Meter replacement carries $200M shock: Rhode Island Energy’s advanced metering proposal ‘costs would be borne by ratepayers’ by york100
“Meter, play Carly Rae Jepsen’s hit song Call Me Maybe.”
Jack__Squat t1_jeedaym wrote
Reply to comment by kamikazekenny420 in It's been years.... by kamikazekenny420
Is it (was it) $60 extra every time you renew, or only the first time?
Megs0226 t1_jeed7fs wrote
Reply to Meter replacement carries $200M shock: Rhode Island Energy’s advanced metering proposal ‘costs would be borne by ratepayers’ by york100
>“If approved, (the $188 million) will be collected from RI customers with an average bill impact over the first 5 years of $1.27 a month for a residential customer using 500 kWh of electricity.”
I have a feeling it won't stay this low...
kamikazekenny420 OP t1_jeebx58 wrote
Reply to comment by techsavior in It's been years.... by kamikazekenny420
Because I want one and it's my right as an American, dammit! /s
It's not that much more of a charge to have a vanity plate. I never had my plates peel on me, but have had to fail many cars for an inspection due to the defective laminate and being unable to read parts of the plate.
And before it gets mentioned, yes it does make your car easily identifiable, or makes you stick out more and draw more attention. When you drive a modified car, and a car thats not so common around here, your gonna stick out regardless.
sneakyben OP t1_jeebrfl wrote
Reply to comment by overthehillhat in Providence by sneakyben
Good morning! Nice day out today :)
sethwm2 t1_jeeavgh wrote
Reply to comment by FezzikSPrestonEsq in Meter replacement carries $200M shock: Rhode Island Energy’s advanced metering proposal ‘costs would be borne by ratepayers’ by york100
Lol I love all the idiots telling you that’s not going to happen and it’s not a possibility. It happens in California and in other states.
techsavior t1_jee9r70 wrote
Reply to It's been years.... by kamikazekenny420
I never understood the appeal of customized license plates. I’m already paying the state to have my car registered (and paying the state to replace my plates because of a mandatory design change, after paying for replacement plates due to an undeclared defect that made the laminate peel). Why would I pay out the ass on top of that for a custom plate that does nothing for the usability of my car?
jacobwojo t1_jee9j84 wrote
Reply to comment by kamikazekenny420 in It's been years.... by kamikazekenny420
Either of The Newport bridge designs would have been so much better then the wave . But noo cont have too much change.
At least I also have the hybrid plate.
azknight t1_jee8y74 wrote
Reply to comment by OldBlueBalls in Meter replacement carries $200M shock: Rhode Island Energy’s advanced metering proposal ‘costs would be borne by ratepayers’ by york100
The comfort in knowing that you’ll help the RI Energy executives afford a 3rd summer house.
Maleficent_Weird8613 t1_jee8fmv wrote
Reply to Does anyone know how I can access archived issues of the Providence Journal? Im looking for an article from March of 1974 by HunkaHunkaBerningCow
RI historical society library on Hope St in Providence has that.
quahaug1945 t1_jee8awk wrote
Reply to comment by Desperate_Expert_952 in Progressive Reforms: Speaker Shekarchi Addresses Reproductive Rights and Innovative Housing Solutions by GhostOpera406
Of course.
TadpoleMajor t1_jee83p2 wrote
Reply to comment by FezzikSPrestonEsq in Meter replacement carries $200M shock: Rhode Island Energy’s advanced metering proposal ‘costs would be borne by ratepayers’ by york100
What a shill answer
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jee803n wrote
Reply to comment by RandomChurn in School safety by Imjusthereforgossip3
Stark comparison to the two brave officers from Tennessee, who used their training and wasted absolutely no time. The body cam footage should be sent to Uvalde police department for training.
RandomChurn t1_jee7ozu wrote
Reply to comment by Swamp_yankee_ninja in School safety by Imjusthereforgossip3
Not to mention Uvalde TX where the entire police force, armed to the teeth with military-grade hardware, didn't dare go inside
UnivrstyOfBelichick t1_jee7ox4 wrote
Reply to Moving: RI vs MA? by nines99
Massachusetts is more expensive but generally better run - better schools, more business friendly, stronger tax base, etc. Real estate taxes are significantly lower but properties are generally assessed higher (eg Cumberland is $15/thousand vs bordering towns in MA - north Attleboro is $12.79, Attleboro is $13.69, Wrentham is $12.62) Sales tax is also slightly lower. Lowest tax rates in RI are in towns where significant portion of residents are out-of-staters who aren't a drain on services (Newport, Narragansett, Charlestown, Westerly, little compton). Most other towns carry the financial albatross otherwise known as the city of Providence around their necks and tax the absolute shit out of your property. Rhode Island is definitely cheaper cost of living but outside of East greenwich and Barrington the public schools are really not great.
All that being said, I moved here a decade ago from Massachusetts and have no plans to move back. As frustrating, corrupt, and annoying as RI can be, it is a beautiful state, especially South county. It is very different in a way that's hard to explain. it was settled differently than Massachusetts, where towns were set up in a very cookie cutter way around a central common, so many towns are really very different and distinct villages with different vibes that someone just drew lines around (saylesville, valley falls, and central falls would really make more sense as one town, but they're split between three.) Again with Cumberland as the example - valley falls is very working class mill village, Arnold mills is very 50s Americana, Cumberland hill is very white collar wealthy, West Wrentham is woodsy with lots of space and large forested lots. You can apply this to most towns in RI. Traffic in Massachusetts is additionally absolutely infuriating - as annoying as the 6-10 cluster fuck can be, traffic on 128 starts at 530 in the morning and spreads down to north Attleboro by 700 - like "why the fuck would anybody live here" type of traffic. am also of the opinion that Rhode Island beaches are much better than MA beaches by and large with warmer water and less seaweed(and no Cape traffic, which makes rt 4/rt1 in summer look like a cakewalk).
[deleted] t1_jee7n2o wrote
Reply to comment by degggendorf in Meter replacement carries $200M shock: Rhode Island Energy’s advanced metering proposal ‘costs would be borne by ratepayers’ by york100
overthehillhat t1_jee7hb1 wrote
Reply to Providence by sneakyben
Good Morning
gninroM dooG
RandomChurn t1_jee7gup wrote
Reply to comment by ChuckM4 in School safety by Imjusthereforgossip3
Thank you. Very informative post; I learned a lot about gun laws I hadn't known.
I agree with you: "lax" guns are always blamed. How kids got access to guns, etc. That it's all about too many guns. Unsecured guns.
As you point out though, especially when it's a school shooting, it's actually not about guns: it's about unsound minds.
Universal healthcare. And treating mental health / illness as no different than pulmonary health or cardiac health or cancer.
kamikazekenny420 OP t1_jee6oh0 wrote
Reply to comment by Havokk in It's been years.... by kamikazekenny420
Exactly. I see big lifted trucks driving around with "fuck biden" flags and bumper stickers, but we can't have vanity plates because it might closely resemble a bad word.
werewolfmanjack t1_jee6gng wrote
Reply to Meter replacement carries $200M shock: Rhode Island Energy’s advanced metering proposal ‘costs would be borne by ratepayers’ by york100
We have meters at home.
Havokk t1_jee6d7w wrote
Reply to comment by kamikazekenny420 in It's been years.... by kamikazekenny420
Thats some serious bs... "FKarens"
BossCrabMeat t1_jeefras wrote
Reply to Meter replacement carries $200M shock: Rhode Island Energy’s advanced metering proposal ‘costs would be borne by ratepayers’ by york100
Murphy's law... If it ain't broken don't fix it!