Recent comments in /f/RhodeIsland

dollrussian t1_jeeoaod wrote

I don’t know friend, but it’s really keeping my husband and I from having kids. I can’t justify bringing children into a world that’s literally burning, run by politicians who couldn’t give a fuck, and has the risk of them getting shot at school.

I’m good with my bloodline ending with me.


degggendorf t1_jeelo0p wrote

That's....not Murphy's law.

Besides, waiting for stuff to break then scrambling a crew for one-off emergency repairs is going to end up being way more expensive than methodically sending crews through each neighborhood to swap out meters.

edit: doing some math, this will amount to a cost of $380/meter to replace. There's no way an emergency break fix visit will be remotely that cheap. You'd be hard pressed to source parts that cheap, let alone the labor of getting an electrician to install them, and ignoring the cost and hassle of losing power when the old meter unexpectedly fails. Beyond that, the smart meters will be cheaper to read since it requires no time on site, not even a drive-by wireless read like ~50% of the meters have now.


degggendorf t1_jeelejs wrote

> Why do we have to pay for their burdens??? Makes no sense.

You're not sure why a business should charge enough to cover the costs of delivering their product?

Are you over at Wickford Appliance insisting that they sell appliances at a loss and remodel their stores with imaginary money from somewhere other than their customers?


degggendorf t1_jeekere wrote

> I can't think of a single meter-based choice I've made.

So if you're unconcerned with monitoring or reducing your energy usage, the smart meter might be of limited use to you.

But for other people, it would be like an energy metering smart plug, but for the whole house. Could help monitor (and reduce) your energy consumption in real time, rather than being surprised at the end of the month by some erratic usage.

Unless someone is out there with a stopwatch timing their meter spinning, in which case this wouldn't add any functionality.


KaleAlternative3500 t1_jeejkfh wrote

Do you have any sources on meth use in RI? I know that there were a couple of big bust on dealers from out of state recently, but my understanding was that RI has been pretty insulated from meth compared to opioids.

I couldn't find any recent reports.


DrewCrew62 t1_jeej0rs wrote

Reply to Providence by sneakyben

I always appreciate the sun reminding me where I’m at, just in case I’ve forgotten

Great shot btw!


whatnodeaddogwilleat t1_jeeilkp wrote

I can't think of a single meter-based choice I've made.

What, would it send me an app message when I hit a threshold? I already get a lovely e-mail telling me how much higher my electric usage is vs. my neighbors because I have electric appliances (shocked pikachu face).