Recent comments in /f/RhodeIsland

monkiesandtool t1_jefpttn wrote

In theory, having the AMR would be able to determine theft of service cases, lowering the overall cost.

From a prior job responsibility (verifying potential address for gas work), on any given list, there would a decent number of locations (based upon AMR data) that theft of services was occurring


brickwars19 t1_jefkqfa wrote

Hate to tell you but national grid started the smart metering program well before ri energy bought them out, these meters are going to be in every state soon enough doesn't matter what the company name is and trust me when I tell you ri energy is much better then ng


dollrussian t1_jefkmqb wrote

I’m a Millennial, 31 to be specific, and I’ve grown up with this shit. It’s not fair for us to expect this generation to change things without giving them the support or path ways to help that progress.

Until people start choosing little kids over money, nothing will change. Not the plummeting birth rate, not the school shootings, nothing.


No_Resort9775 t1_jeffcl5 wrote

If you guys end up like fishing, my suggestion is getting into fly fishing. So much fun learning how to cast, then catching them on a fly rod. I know off topic but it's what my dad and I got into and it was a hobby we had together. We got lessons and something clicked in my head and I ended up being great at fly casting suddenly. So once you get hang of casting it changes everything. Again off topic sorry, but I lost my dad a couple months ago and saw this and remembered that it was our thing for 15+ years.


degggendorf t1_jef70uy wrote

Only via public comment hearings (which as the article notes were canceled for this topic), which the PUC is not obligated to heed anyway. Or I guess by voting for the governor who appoints the commission members, but that's never going to be a headline platform of any ticket.