Recent comments in /f/RhodeIsland
cowperthwaite t1_jegol86 wrote
Reply to comment by SwagKing1011 in Is it possible to live in Rhode Island on 50K-55K? by SwagKing1011
Expect your car insurance to increase. Not sure about living in Pawtucket, but when I moved, my insurance went up over $100/month.
Fine_Ad_4206 t1_jegmy7j wrote
Short answer is no
KemperTemper1 t1_jegmqnk wrote
You’ll live. Not well, but you’ll survive.
brogaant t1_jegm6fz wrote
Reply to Reptile vets in RI? by SalivatingMoron
Vet tech here. Hill & Harbor in East Greenwich has a doc who does exotics and works with wildlife at another place. Highly recommend. 👍🏼
Jesse_Coker OP t1_jegk9yf wrote
Reply to comment by Pvdsuccess in The Worm Moon of March rising over Beavertail Lighthouse, last year. by Jesse_Coker
Thanks 😊
Kelruss t1_jegji68 wrote
I think u/derpbeluga gave you a great breakdown of practical costs. Just for a statistical view (which I always find helps me put my own financial circumstances in perspective) the median household income in RI is $74,489 (according the 5-year average of the US Census Bureau's Annual Community Survey between 2017-2021). Meanwhile, households on average contain 2.46 people. So, you'll almost certainly be doing better than the majority of households with two or more people in RI.
climb-high t1_jegjg25 wrote
Reply to comment by SwagKing1011 in Is it possible to live in Rhode Island on 50K-55K? by SwagKing1011
And car repairs
noungning t1_jegg4iu wrote
I think it's doable without other bills. Considering that's probably what I made and paid for a mortgage but rent is even higher than my mortgage now lol. It'd be tight after utilities, gas, car insurance, and food but definitely doable.
Proof-Variation7005 t1_jegfxy7 wrote
Reply to stolen kyaks Portsmouth by Professional-Ask-630
sorry to hear this happened. if i see any two people on kayaks, i will citizen's arrest them and comment back on here.
JackpotJooser t1_jegf8lp wrote
You’d have to be pretty frugal. I make just over 60K and I am barely getting by. Rent is high right now.
Dyk3dynasty t1_jegeo76 wrote
Reply to Reptile vets in RI? by SalivatingMoron
Ocean State is your best bet for quality exotic care. They are excellent
Vast-Celebration3322 t1_jegemqb wrote
I work and live in Pawtucket and make about 10k more, I own my house and pay about 2k on mortgage and bills every month, I live comfortably but in the winter my energy bills go way up. Depends on your lifestyle really
keevisgoat t1_jegedr5 wrote
Reply to comment by Professional-Ask-630 in Meter replacement carries $200M shock: Rhode Island Energy’s advanced metering proposal ‘costs would be borne by ratepayers’ by york100
It maybe we make some nuclear plants in the middle of nowhere and forget about this
SwagKing1011 OP t1_jege0wz wrote
Reply to comment by Sweet_Signature165 in Is it possible to live in Rhode Island on 50K-55K? by SwagKing1011
My car is paid off so just a couple of hundreds for insurance and phone bill.
HunabJA t1_jegd1w3 wrote
I would say yes, specially if you do not want to fancy out your life. Your only have to keep an eye on your expenses if you eat out every day.
Major_Fang t1_jegcx09 wrote
Get a roommate and then probably
Sweet_Signature165 t1_jegcjnc wrote
Reply to comment by derpbeluga in Is it possible to live in Rhode Island on 50K-55K? by SwagKing1011
He said he had no other big bills so safe to assume no car payment, probably just insurance or maybe he uses public transit now?
Sweet_Signature165 t1_jegc892 wrote
I just looked at 1BRs for rent in Pawtucket and they’re around $1,000-1,5000/mo so if it’s just you and no big bills, you absolutely can. That’s about $18k a year in rent. If you don’t have a huge grocery bill (we do have aldi here which is great!) the only other big bill you may have would be heating/cooling costs depending on the method where you rent. Many NE homes still have oil tanks. Totally doable and RI (New England in general) is an amazing place to live.
Professional-Ask-630 t1_jegavgm wrote
Reply to comment by IMeanYouNoHarmYet in Mass shootings in the US since 2009. A mass shooting is defined as any incident in which four or more people are shot and killed. Since 2009, there have been 306 mass shootings, resulting in 1710 people shot and killed and 1087 people shot and wounded. ---NONE IN RHODE ISLAND! by wyzapped
honestly who cares about mob hits or drug-related shootings? The mobs not whacking regular good people, and as far as the petty drug-related shootings... thats its own bubble. The mob is pretty silent and clean these days but I will say it's very sad when you have low income areas so harshly affected by a couple of degenerates who want to fight over there small potatoes turf and subsequently otherwise innocent people get hurt. stray bullets and all that. The real problem in this country is these mass shooters who target defenseless children
Professional-Ask-630 t1_jeg9wtb wrote
Reply to Community Service Help by RandomRhody
salvation army
Desperate_Expert_952 t1_jeg9min wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Is it possible to live in Rhode Island on 50K-55K? by SwagKing1011
Ok fatty
[deleted] t1_jeg9lm4 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Meter replacement carries $200M shock: Rhode Island Energy’s advanced metering proposal ‘costs would be borne by ratepayers’ by york100
[deleted] t1_jeg9i2y wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Meter replacement carries $200M shock: Rhode Island Energy’s advanced metering proposal ‘costs would be borne by ratepayers’ by york100
derpbeluga t1_jeg9a8e wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Is it possible to live in Rhode Island on 50K-55K? by SwagKing1011
LOLWTFLMFAO this has to be some type of copypasta.
Edit: it's a bot.
Desperate_Expert_952 t1_jegoxs4 wrote
Reply to comment by Desperate_Expert_952 in Is it possible to live in Rhode Island on 50K-55K? by SwagKing1011
Down vote away poors. 50k if you are paying rent or a mortgage and have a car is barely getting by. It’s under $1000 a week pre-tax. So doing an average by month would be $4166 per-tax. Minus let’s say 18% or $750 for taxes effectively at the end of the year (obviously varies person to person based on deductions etc. leaves you with approximately $3416. $1500 for rent assuming you Got a good deal. $1916. Hopefully you didn’t overspend on a car but a below average payment would be $400 brings you to $1516. This is before any goodies like cellphone, streaming services, insurance, gas, food, Cable/internet, gym. Hopefully you are also saving at minimum 10% of your net but who knows.