Submitted by buddhamanjpb t3_123z6zr
Submitted by ToadScoper t3_10462am
Submitted by insertsavvynamehere t3_yv1jjv
Submitted by wsj t3_z74heb
Submitted by radioflea t3_y9uq3k
Submitted by Jesse_Coker t3_11ygrs3
Mass shootings in the US since 2009. A mass shooting is defined as any incident in which four or more people are shot and killed. Since 2009, there have been 306 mass shootings, resulting in 1710 people shot and killed and 1087 people shot and wounded. ---NONE IN RHODE ISLAND!
Submitted by wyzapped t3_125tl4p
Back when my grandparents were kids 👦 they used to have to walk to school in this 🎒 10 miles uphill both ways 🏫 barefoot in the snow 🦶 #401wx 🥶
Submitted by WeatherInRI t3_10qg53i
Submitted by SnooMachines2775 t3_10gi10u
Submitted by New_Analyst3510 t3_10603ne
Submitted by whatsaphoto t3_zajzix
Submitted by Jesse_Coker t3_127hjc9
Submitted by kayakhomeless t3_122y1lw
Submitted by overthehillhat t3_ztvwqq
Submitted by gradontripp t3_yyag6o
As the late great Dr. Seuss once said 📚 Will it rain? ☔️ Will it snow? ❄️ I live in Rhode Island ⚓️ I do not know 🤷♂️ #401wx
Submitted by WeatherInRI t3_11p5umi
Submitted by listen_youse t3_yfmhga
Submitted by PuzzleheadedTest1919 t3_xtymrx
Submitted by Addicted2GravyTears t3_120lksl
Submitted by Exiled_metalfield t3_125a6be
Submitted by Previous_Floor t3_11zetx8
Submitted by uwuwotsdps42069 t3_10fennp