Submitted by Silly_Yak_3741 t3_yarsra
Cozy Rhody volunteers did some tremendous work yesterday. It was cold, it was frigid, but we turned the heat up! Thanks to all thr volunteers for putting in the 15 total person-hours to collect 463 pounds of garbage. Bravo on the good harvest!
Submitted by OpticalFlatulence t3_zk07m4
Submitted by mzzy_ozborne t3_ztz4o2
Submitted by gravytrain2112 t3_xtckov
Submitted by dotknott t3_xzmuo3
Submitted by mountain_pose t3_zufi4b
Someone lost their keys on the Riverside portion of the East Bay Pike Path, on the longshot you’re on this here’s where I put them
Submitted by whatcheer91 t3_115g0u7
Submitted by Stoicdadman t3_ygznzi
Submitted by Bjarki56 t3_yo52wt
Submitted by IDecidedtoSmile t3_y2fd7r
Rhode Island needs a bottle bill. Join us at the state house to advocate for a cleaner Rhode Island this Thursday at 3pm. This is 10,000 tossed nips. #rimillion-pieces
Submitted by trashgirl1986 t3_11kjh4p
Submitted by ep2992 t3_104xerb
Submitted by chokenstroke t3_10g87f6
Submitted by Jesse_Coker t3_121q5vu
Submitted by Ok_Caregiver_2056 t3_110r8kq
Submitted by MethLabForCutie88 t3_zokeay
Submitted by gartlandish t3_11hp156
Submitted by WestBoundExitSign t3_10o8ocw
Submitted by gravytrain2112 t3_10h2qm2
Submitted by 7DSixers t3_10ve133
Submitted by lmsupercereaI t3_yuk7je
Submitted by mikenice1 t3_11u7qtw
Submitted by Kumalover420 t3_z89akt
Submitted by ItsSimplyBelle t3_10xoc1k