Submitted by degggendorf t3_z8ydft
Submitted by therealDrA t3_yytb00
Submitted by Karmacozzy2005 t3_z688sp
Submitted by Fantastic_Penalty478 t3_yhkizl
Submitted by la_mar t3_10vlph4
Submitted by Top-Rabbit-3038 t3_yvyeg0
Submitted by DotDotCode t3_11s25oq
Submitted by thatgotmegood t3_ynajee
Little Rhody in "Cobra Kai." The lighthouse at Point Judith is featured in Season 5, Episode 4 of the Netflix series "Cobra Kai" when Johnny Lawrence tries to transform his bachelor pad to a respectable domicile. Not sure how a kid from the Valley found out about Pt. Judith.
Submitted by coffeemaker3 t3_xt6aj8
Submitted by Rogue-Island-Pirate t3_10r3ite
Submitted by YodaHead t3_zq3w5n
Submitted by bardown87 t3_zvt029
Submitted by BiffBiffkenson t3_10n1i3k
Submitted by Rogue-Island-Pirate t3_z91jq0
Submitted by daddy-hamlet t3_11l64h1
Submitted by n0i t3_yt3n8q
Submitted by Jesse_Coker t3_125n2zl
An 18th century gravestone for 6 children from the Langley family in Newport, Rhode Island, in the early 1900s and 2022.
Submitted by jimb575 t3_10mkxj7
Submitted by bostonglobe t3_zyjixo
Submitted by 7DSixers t3_zm0jwe
Submitted by quinntronix t3_10aumg4