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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jac8s26 wrote

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OhLookASquirrel t1_jacf8hi wrote

Since qbits have an "on," "off," and "both" states, I'd say it would be more accurate to say they're genderfluid


Jumpin-Jebus t1_jacfbc2 wrote

So computers now have a sense of humor. Wondering if they will think it's funny when they start rounding us up.


MC-Master-Bedroom t1_jacfbwa wrote

Oh no! Now we have to figure out a third pronoun for they/them/X!


Ras82 t1_jacihd6 wrote

Pfft, analog has been non-binary for close to a century. The O.G.


LazarYeetMeta t1_jad86le wrote

They can only identify as something if they’re self aware, so this doesn’t really work.


RPMGO3 t1_jadlv5r wrote

Akchually! Quantum computers still use binary. They just have a quantum way of handling the states


Zenketski_2 t1_jadzjze wrote

You ever laugh at something with just a series of exhales through the nose? That's what this got me. Gg well played