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Chrisnolliedelves t1_ja6wwxw wrote


He straight up did. Power was derived from a whole new emotional source which requires a different skill set to extract. This power source is also 10 times more potent than the previous power source. The factory that once trained it's workers in horror and fear now trains in entertainment and comedy. Waternoose's crimes and conspiracies were laid bare to the public and scream energy would never be trusted again.

This is a base-level reading of the film's ending, not a shower thought.


TimeTravelMishap t1_ja6xtdx wrote

His next shower thought is gonna be Tom Hanks might have gotten off the island in Castaway


heiscursed t1_ja6zwbr wrote

It isn’t that blatantly obvious you don’t need to be a dick.


TimeTravelMishap t1_ja71zyd wrote

At the end of Deathly Hallows I suspect Harry killed Voldemort.


heiscursed t1_ja72m6n wrote

You’re so cleaver and smart! I’m sure your parents are so proud of such a cleaver and smart person! You win the internet! 🎖️🥇🥳🥳🥳


TimeTravelMishap t1_ja74901 wrote

I was watching V for Vendetta last night and I'm starting to suspect he might have died


Chrisnolliedelves t1_ja77mmo wrote

At the end of the Green Mile, there's the slightest chance that John Coffey might have been executed.


heiscursed t1_ja6x4xf wrote

Do the same laws and regulations that applied towards human children still apply in the end? I’m not sure if it’s said or not but it’s just a thought.


limbodemo t1_ja78lky wrote

Most of the rules were rooted in the belief children are lethal to monsters, so when that was disproven most rules were probably undone


heiscursed t1_ja790rw wrote

IT WASNT! Sully disproved it sure but it was never said that everyone else figured that out!


limbodemo t1_ja794h0 wrote

Sully might've saved that information for himself so he can tickle the kids as a secret technique only he knows