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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jaf1bp6 wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

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TimeTravelMishap t1_jaf3699 wrote

Born in 82 and for a split second I was like 'wait has it been that long?'


Glum_Mix_2837 t1_jaf39j6 wrote

Maybe spend a little more time in the shower to think this one over.


RSwordsman t1_jaf4auw wrote

I was born in 1990 and this would mean I look absolutely incredible for 50.


Livid-Hour-4553 t1_jaf4xw4 wrote

I’m convinced OP just wanted some attention and did this on purpose