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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jeec2fe wrote

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MarkusRuleTheGym t1_jeedbou wrote

The harsh reality about speaking multiple languages is that I sometimes speak in my mothertongue and don’t know the words I want to say but I know the word in English for example an have to Google the word in my language to know it again


Hary_the_VII t1_jef2l85 wrote

Whenever that happens to me I feel so confused. It's like in my head I know exactly what I want to say, but for the love of god I cannot recall the word in my native language whilst the word in English just pops right in.


AlternativeShadows t1_jefic75 wrote

I learned how to speak ASL alongside English for the most part, though deaf people usually learn how to communicate in ASL and how to read English as well. So ASL is learned mostly by watching other people sign, because there's no written ASL learning it through flashcards or something isn't ideal