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CurrentIndependent42 t1_je6x80c wrote

Nah the spelling is consistent. The length is hardly an issue than asking a kid to spell a whole English sentence: most of those words are compound nouns that might even be similar in English, just that English uses spaces or words like ‘of’ in between.

“Wow German has a single word for a law about the transmission of tasks for beef labelling supervision!”

I mean yeah, the equivalent of ‘beeflabellingsurveillancetasktransmissionlaw’. Or if we break it down twice, ‘beeffleshlabellingoverwatchingoutgivingoverdraggingslaw’.

It’s not like German has a trillions completely different ultra long words primed for this. They can just be produced as part of the grammar without the convention of spaces. A lot of compound nouns in English could be treated as single words in the same way going purely based on the actual spoken language.


Beetsa t1_je6zcvy wrote

And of course those examples are very artificial. At least in Dutch, such words would be correct, but not really used in practice. Compound words of more than 3 parts are rare in real speech. (Although U have used bijbelstudieleidershalfjaarsevaluatie) a couple of times.