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Viendictive t1_je1dszh wrote

False premise, there is no reason you were born, nor is there a reason your parents exist. Your life and all life is meaningless. It is humanism that imparts human-centric meaning on the universe, which is kinda interesting considering we are the universe doing that… to/for ourselves…


Em_Haze t1_je1i8xk wrote

Also i work 50 hours a week so I can do fuck all for society in my free time


thewid10 t1_je1q5y8 wrote

I feel you, but that's not true. If you interact with friends, family, neighbors, or a pet in your free time you're doing a good thing


abaram t1_je1iqf3 wrote

“Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody’s gonna die. Come watch TV?”


ColonelMonty t1_je1li4a wrote

False, I was born to kick bubblegum and chew ass, and I'm all out of ass.


LiamTheHuman t1_je1jypb wrote

This view is interesting for a second or two and then you realize that you can just exchange "reason" in the ultimate sense for "reason" in the personal sense and nothing really changes. There is no "Reason" for anything but there is reason for it. It's ultimately just semantics and not really a revelation.


crazy_gurl1001 t1_je1iikj wrote

It must suck living with a mindset like that


Banter_Fam_Lad t1_je1ixii wrote

Nope, at first its depressing, but it's liberating once you embrace and understand it


crazy_gurl1001 t1_je1k0we wrote

There’s nothing to understand you were put here for a reason. Even if all u do is play video games all day. Why would you want to have a depressing mindset.


Tacitus_AMP t1_je1kr26 wrote

There are only the reasons that we, ourselves, create. That's the point of their comment and the source of the freedom they experience. It doesn't need to be a nihilistic viewpoint at all.


crazy_gurl1001 t1_je1n8a5 wrote

You have freedom even if you were out here for a reason. You choose what YOU want to do, but you me and everyone else has a purpose.


Viendictive t1_je2d7w6 wrote

Unfortunately everyone does not have a purpose, but I do hope everyone finds a purpose that suits them.


5thOddman t1_je1kr58 wrote

It's not depressing, at least I don't think so. It means I can give myself any meaning I want, look for my own happiness instead of a "purpose" I was made to accomplish


crazy_gurl1001 t1_je1mszn wrote

That’s exactly what that is though? Everything happens for a reason. You finding your own happiness and reasons IS why you are here !


shadowscale1229 t1_je1m6c0 wrote

being put here for a reason implies a higher power. humanity does not exist for any reason other than we evolved from other hominids and became smart enough to make fire, and then used fire to make better things.

so yeah, we don't exist for any reason. however, we make our own personal reason to exist.

mine is spite


crazy_gurl1001 t1_je1mmh4 wrote

It absolutely does not indicate that there’s a higher power. I personally do not believe in that, but I do believe in the universe and everything happens for a reason. We were put here to live and love. I’m sorry you don’t see that, and also you saying we make our own reasons kinda dictates what you’re saying lol. We definitely are here for reasons, you just have to find yours:)


shadowscale1229 t1_je1nc3f wrote

no, what we're getting at is the universe (and by extension Earth) doesn't give a shit that we exist. that's what we mean by no reason. if you really want a reason, chaos is the reason we exist. a series of events that lead to the creation of intelligent life on earth, just chaos.

god dammit now all i can think of is 40k and literally worshipping chaos lmao. blood for the blood gods and all that jazz


crazy_gurl1001 t1_je1nmwt wrote

God, The universe does gaf about us crazy enough, I mean it made us didn’t it. You have a purpose wether u like it or not. And life is going exactly how it’s meant. I completely understand and respect your opinion but everything happens for a reason


Banter_Fam_Lad t1_je1lxsl wrote

Like I say it was only depressing in the beginning when my ideas were being questioned. After that it's pretty enlightening