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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_je7iqih wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)

Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.


ctrl-alt-delusion t1_je7lw42 wrote

I’m not sure this is true. But I’m literally watching the dark knight movie right now on Netflix. So you’re at least right about me, for at least today.


Philosopheius t1_je7mnvs wrote

I disagree. Hadn't thought of it until just now.

Been weeks at least otherwise.

Which reminds me I wanted to watch the newest Batman.



Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jefyiti wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)

Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.