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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jeg61m4 wrote

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MulliganNY t1_jeg7qe6 wrote

I've long considered golf to be the safest sport there is. As long as you abide by the rules, don't act like a jackass and make sure everyone in the area is aware that you are about to swing, it should be pretty much the safest sport around and one you can do into your later years.

And then one day I was working at a country club and an older fella got heat stroke, fell down a slope and broke his ankle. If we hadn't been driving around in a golf cart, doing the hourly rounds, he'd have probably died out there.

So.. yeah. Agree.


TroyBenites t1_jeg8kr4 wrote

I guess you are saying physical sports... So, not counting E-sports or Chess...


TroyBenites t1_jegb058 wrote

Well, competitive gaming is always dsmaging due to repetitive movement... That also works with chess, since physical shape helps oxygenation and mental performance, chess players need to have physical stamina...

But I'm talking more about casual play. (But you are right, computer gaming can cause early arthrites and so on..)


ttermayhem t1_jegfjdo wrote

Esports are extreme when you are old because you’re more prone to blood clots and stroke from sitting in a chair all day. Yeah, even sitting can kill you.


NotoriousREV t1_jegrjxb wrote

I’m 48. Last Saturday I laughed at something on TV and trapped a nerve in my neck.


Butyouplayinn t1_jegrxla wrote

I'd extend this to almost all activities. Push too hard taking a shit at 90 and your done for.


wombey12 t1_jegs47p wrote

Correlation ≠ causation. The types of people dedicated to esports just so happen to be the types of people who like to keep fit.

Edit: original comment above was something along the lines of "Actually, the top 10% of Esports players are also the most physically fit".


RawToast1989 t1_jegsqmt wrote

Are you crazy? Or just deluded to your own activity level? I mean, Golf involves the actual, physical movement of your body through space. E-sports involves your wrist/ fingers and eyes moving enough to cover a screen lol. I'm not saying that e-sports don't involve good coordination, timing, problem solving, etc. But to suggest there's More physical activity in them than Golf is a wild, and factually incorrect take on the situation.


SecondSingles t1_jegtftj wrote

Chess is extremely dangerous in many ways. 1) if you’e a woman. And two) its extremely addictive, terrible for your social life, and many people would say its a waste to spend your life concentrating as hard as you can on a little wooden board moving action figures around


DiscombobulatedSink6 t1_jegw276 wrote

Lol I can't believe people upvoted that shit. Besides the fact that you actually have to use your lower body in any capacity to play golf, it also requires significantly more forceful upper body movement. I've had a sore back/hands from golf (I'm sure elbow and shoulder injuries are common as well), never experienced soreness from playing csgo.


DeathToBoredom t1_jegx0oe wrote

No, e-sports are much more intense. Pros play every single day for 8-16 hours. Idk about chess, but in competitive games, they don't fake anything. Everybody wants to win and to win they have to train that much. Before, their habits were very unhealthy. They don't eat healthy and they barely sleep. They obviously never exercised. But now they're getting some maintenance. They're required to exercise but afaik the meals and sleep schedule are still their own to maintain, which is obviously still very unhealthy.

As well, carpal tunnel and other hand and arm problems are very common. And these are reported conditions. Some most likely have hemorrhoids from sitting that long on the chair every single day(and eating unhealthy).


Philosopheius t1_jegzkp5 wrote

I feel so horrible for laughing.

The image that flashed through my head was of some frail old dudes rocketing down a bobsled track.


Papa_Huggies t1_jegztmu wrote

Jesus some people out here actually saying chess and esports are physically demanding...

At a competitive level, sure. Anything is demanding. Investment Banking is physically demanding in that sense. But you will burn calories playing golf casually, and won't burn shit playing videogames.

Fuck man 250lb people trying to justify their fat-ass lifestyle saying esports is a physically demanding sport is enough Reddit for today. /u/danhoang1 go for a walk and eat a salad


coredenale t1_jeh06ca wrote

Ya, sometimes even just walking down the stairs. Ya get to the bottom and wipe sweat of yer brow like, "whew! That was a close one!" And then think wtf?


Grezzinate t1_jeh14ny wrote

I’m 34 and climbing stairs sometimes feels like and extreme sport.


jamai36 t1_jeh37z4 wrote

It depends on the game and the person. Starcraft is absolutely more strenuous than golf. If I play starcraft at 200+ apm for two hours I have to lay down to let my back and wrist recover. I can easily golf for two hours just fine.


PeaPanties t1_jeh3ks2 wrote

For a obese person like me, getting out of the bed is an extreme sport


duck_of_d34th t1_jeh45jz wrote

Off hand, I just know when I'm playing a really tight/close game like BBC2, my pulse is *not at a normal resting rate. Plus, staying at a constant "full-alert" is taxing itself.

It's not the same as actual, physical activity, but it certainly isn't restful. I guess it's a bit like driving through really busy roads all day; at some point, your brain goes mushy and you aren't at 100%. You've been sitting down, but you're still worn ragged.


Imn0tg0d t1_jeh4mfo wrote

As a high level golfer (I have beat division 1 college golfers and was a low level pro for a bit), I agree with you. I was plat in starcraft 2 back in the day9 days and the heart rate and sweating that would happen from playing was ridiculous. It was just as strenuous, if not more, than tournament golf.