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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jegd4z3 wrote

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JustSomeApparition t1_jegdgpv wrote

I know you're going to get a lot of hate for this post because people are going to disagree with your percentiles; thereby, losing what the post really means in the process... So before that happened I just wanted to say that I very much agree with what is meant by this post and like the post.


Quantum-Connection t1_jegeayf wrote

Even if your bar for being "decent" and "empathetic" means not murdering, raping, or regularly doing other horrible physical or psychological things to another person (which is an incredibly low bar) these percentiles aren't even remotely accurate.

What you really mean is 99% of people treat the people close to them with the bare minimum of decency and empathy and don't actively harm them. Even that probably isn't true. Also that is in a place where being decent is easy.

If you want to know what people are like by default just remember, in Rwanda the Hutus killed 800,000 Tutsis with machetes in 100 days, probably hundreds of thousands of people participated in genocide directly because some men on the radio told them to. That was 30 years ago. Or remember everyone in Germany played stupid when the Russians and Americans found the camps, they all knew. That was only like 80 years ago.


HuangHuaYu49 t1_jegette wrote

Yeah, but that 1% of people end up doing the most amount of damage.


madeupname230 t1_jegg03o wrote

But the 1% of assholes seems to be in charge everywhere I look.


Gordon_Explosion t1_jeghwsw wrote

I like the sentiment, but I really question your 99% number.

In my experience, 90% of people would murder you for as little as the opportunity to skip a car payment, if they were guaranteed to get away with it. Human life is demonstrably worth nothing in a vast majority of the world. I think the big majority of humans are opportunistic, self-centered garbage.


MrEZW t1_jeglflu wrote

For this to be true, you'd have to be using an extremely loose definition of "decent and empathetic."


Eventual-Crow109 t1_jegofi6 wrote

1% of humans currently is 80 million so there's a chance everyone you know is either of those.