BoulMajik t1_jeeprah wrote
yes but the carbon you breathe out comes from the food you eat
Gerrut_batsbak t1_jeerhuo wrote
The carbon that we eat would've been released one way or the other, and is part of the carbon cycle.
The carbon we release by burning fossil fuels has been stored for a long long time and will not quickly be absorbed after release and will thus suddenly create a massive excess of carbon in the air.
PontiaxTheBread OP t1_jeeru0t wrote
Very true, had not considered that
fedexmess t1_jef1qw8 wrote
Aunt Flo's got the walkin' farts. There goes the environment!
Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jedynpd wrote
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[deleted] t1_jedysd3 wrote
misdirected_asshole t1_jee5dfx wrote
Even if you didn't eat more you still breathe out carbon dioxide.