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handrewming t1_jdgju3x wrote

You are forgetting the people who are forced to grow up before their childhood years have concluded in order to take care of their parents or escape them entirely. This is far more common than you seem to believe.


Hardcorish OP t1_jdhuzqg wrote

What do you mean? You've misread my showerthought because you just accurately described what the thought was about lol.


handrewming t1_jdiija4 wrote

Lol, I completely misread the post but left the comment as a testament to my general awareness of my surroundings.


Hardcorish OP t1_jdj0p9h wrote

You made me think I was losing my mind for a minute! I went back to reread my showerthought to make sure I thought it out properly.


handrewming t1_jdj3mwc wrote

Lol, I'm glad we are both sorted out now. Here's to reflective thinking!