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Golett03 t1_iughn9z wrote

Mate, candy canes are Christmas, not Halloween, and most of them are eaten in December


Golett03 t1_iuh7gng wrote

What the fuck is "Halloween Candy"? Is that a candy cane scythe, or something?

In Australia, we don't have any special lollies or chocolates for Halloween, other than Halloween style packaging or gummy eye balls.


Clutch_papi t1_iuh7n2q wrote

Halloween candy is like 99% of the candy in stores but packaged in small containers to hand to kids. It’s by far the most popular time In the US to eat candy. It’s not specifically “Halloween candy”, every candy is Halloween candy, right now is just when we in the us eat it most


Golett03 t1_iuhbno0 wrote

Another reason I don't want to go to the US. From the sounds of it, your lolly selection is just a bunch of misshapen candy canes that you refer to collectively as "candy". Do you guys not have chocolates, sucker lollies, or gummies? What about lollipops?


Clutch_papi t1_iuhbth1 wrote

We have all of that and much more haha😂 wtf are misshapen candy canes? No one eats or likes candy canes here. We like chocolate bars, hard candy, gummies, etc.


Clutch_papi t1_iuhbx67 wrote

Idk who you’ve been talking to but you’ve got the wrong idea. America is known for its “unhealthiness” and sugar. We definitely have a good candy selection


Clutch_papi t1_iuhc9ji wrote

In the US, any sweet is considered candy. “Lollies”, lollipops, gummies, chocolates, suckers, hard candy, licorice it’s all called candy no matter what type.